3 (Truth or Dare) - edited

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Harry's POV:

After the dessert had been cleared away from the tables Mcgonagall stood and tapped her knife to her cup getting the attention of the great hall. Clearing her throat she spoke loudly and clearly stating, "I ask that 8th year's stay behind I will be showing you to your common room for this year. Everyone else you are dismissed, first years follow your house prefects they will take you to your common rooms and get you settled in." Macgonagall lowered herself back into her seat, straightening her skirt beneath herself and waiting patiently for the chaos of moving students to clear off. Once all the other years had left and most of the teachers had also departed, Mcgonagall stood and walked to the head of the eight year table, "Please stand and follow me this way." She turned and walked off expectantly. I push myself up out of my seat and follow the group, Hermione and Ron on my right talking in hushed voices between themselves much like the rest of the year group. Bored I looked around for someone I had not spoken too much to since getting on the train. Luna stood roughly at the back of the group looking around with that glazed over dreamy look on her face. "I'm gonna go talk to Luna. I'll find you when she tells us about the dorms." I spoke barely above a whisper only loud enough to be heard by those nearest me and Hermione nodded acknowledging what I had said. I turned and pushed my way to the back of the group where Luna was standing, "Hi Luna." I spoke and Luna looked over to smile at me. "hullo Harry," her voice was still light and fluid like a mermaid song under water and its familiarity made me smile. "How are you after everything that happened?" I asked slowly, not wanting to bring up anything too hurtful for her, "Oh I'm fine I've been looking for Nargles, they're really quite hard to find." She replied smiling the way she always did and with that we walked in a comfortable silence, other than the people talking around us, all the way to our common room. The thought of having our own common room this year was absurd. I hadn't really processed it, it is totally unreal. The group of eight years stopped at a painting of a meadow with a woman who looked like the daughter of a farmer on it. She smiled at us with her crook in one hand and turned quickly to watch the sheep in the paddock to make sure they hadn't run off, "Your password is Blithesome, Miss peep?" Who I assumed was Bo Peep from the muggle fairytale quickly opened the portrait revealing the entry to the new common room, nerves rushed through me along with the thrill and joy it gave to be back in Hogwarts. Finally home. Mcgonagall held the portrait open as people began to funnel through, excited to see what was awaiting them on the other side, I wait from where i'm stood at the back offering for Luna to go ahead of me. "Potter, no causing trouble this year. I've had quite enough of that." Professor Mcgonagall commented with a cheeky grin playing on her face and a nod in my direction as I ducked through the hole. As I was walking into the open common room I heard her greet someone behind me "Evening Draco." I spun around at the mention of his name and came face to well er- chest as Malfoy had grown almost a foot over the summer and I had to look up to actually see his face. He grimaced when he met my eyes and looked away as if it would cast my glance elsewhere. Did he really think I was about to snap at him? I wouldn't have put it past myself but either way it still annoyed me that he'd think I'd do that on my first night back. I turned back to Mcgonagall who was explaining rules and curfew and all the new rules. I'd just ask Hermione later so I let my brain race around trying to process that I was at Hogwarts finally. The topic had earlier made me panic but now it felt almost unreal like I shouldn't worry about it because any moment I could wake up and be back at the Weasleys eating jam and scones.

Luna nudged me back into the moment as the dorms were read out she had obviously noticed I was not mentally there although I'm not sure when she got beside me I must have missed it when I zoned out, "Your names will appear on a plaque on the door of your dorms, firstly we have..." I zoned out expecting that I'd be with Ron so it wouldn't matter, but when I was next spoken to I realized I was the only one left in the room and looked around confused. "Harry, due to the situation on the train I'm putting you with one other person not to crowd or overwhelm you. Draco, would you take Harry up to your room." Fuck! This could not be happening, really of all people! I spot Malfoy heading up the stairs not looking too chuffed with the dorm situation either. "Professor, you can't be serious!?" I spluttered utterly baffled, "Mr Potter I think you'll find I am very serious, you two are both dealing with something quite similar and I believe you will have the maturity to get past your old habits. All I ask is that you be on mutual terms. I can not force you however to be friends so I'm leaving that up to you, Draco will not go under the radar of our students and will likely be bullied by some, but I thought perhaps if they saw that you didn't hate him that maybe they shouldn't either." Mcgonagall turned up her nose with authority and walked from the room without a second glance. Annoyed, I trudge up the stairs to my dorm room where my fate that is Draco Malfoy, awaits me. Checking all the plaques I realized our dorm is the furthest from the common room. I push the door open and let myself into the room. There are 2 beds in the room both adorning white sheets with golden patterns along the hem. Malfoy didn't look up from where he was unpacking, continuing to put clothes away in the chest of drawers that he'd claimed as his own. Taking the hint I ignored his presence and walked to where my trunk was at the foot of my bed, I began unpacking with my back turned to Malfoy. If I couldn't see him he couldn't bother me.

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