Harry's pov
I let Malfoy sit on top of me and do my makeup, I didn't bother fighting, he was obviously stronger than me, anyone could have told you that. When he was done he let go of my wrists and sat up still on top of me, Pansy looked at my face and laughed. "Draco, hun, did you even try?" She sounds almost like she feels bad for Malfoy even when whatever this monstrosity is, it's on my face. "Can you get off now Malfoy, I'm not a bloody chair." I snap leaning back onto my elbows, his eyes snap in my direction glaring at me. "Why would I listen to what you say Potter?" He spits stubbornly, I try to twist my waist and legs so he topples off but to no avail. He grabs my waist and holds me in place so I can't move, I use my arms to try and pull myself out backwards but his grip holds strong on my waist. "Just let me go Malfoy," I snap shooting him a nasty glance still wriggling around trying to break free. He just stands his ground and doesn't budge. "I'm not moving potter," He says matter-of-factly, smirking and glancing for reassurance from his friends. "Fuck off twat!" I hiss the words twisting in my mouth, the familiar tongue shocking Malfoy again giving me just enough time to slip out from beneath him, I immediately walk towards my full length mirror to see what damage he's done to my face. "Stop doing that Potter!" I smirk although my face looks like a trainwreck, "Why is little Malfoy scared." I pout talking in a higher pitch, "Don't worry I'm sure Daddy'll protect you." "Don't talk about my father!" "Oh no, touchy subject now he's in azkaban innit," I say, enjoying his annoyance. "I'd rather a death eater than no father at all," Ouch I go silent. I mean what do I say to respond to that. "Draco." Pansy says it like a warning and Malfoy's face drops, he turns his head and meets Pansy's glare. "He started it," Malfoy argues, pointing a finger in my direction. "And you took it too far," Pansy states as I watch Malfoys jaw tense, "Beg to differ." He says under his breath but Pansy catches on to it and just stares unimpressed, "I think I'm gonna go now." Blaise says turning to the door and starting to head out of my dorm, "Yea I think it would be best if Potter and I can sort this out alone." Malfoy emphasizes 'alone' his eyes locked onto Pansy's blatantly trying to get her to leave the dorm, "Alright I'll go but if I see so much as a scratch on either of you in the morning I swear I'll slice your balls off." Pansy says a stern look in her eye as she shuts the door and leaves the dorm. Instead of staying to fight it out I head into the bathroom to wash the makeup off my face. I run the tap so it fills the basin and accio my face wash from the other room. I squirt some onto my hand and start rubbing it all over my face, the shades and colors mixing together. I then cup my hands in the stream of water into the basin and splash it over my face, leaning over so I don't get water on the floor. I meet my eyes in the mirror and examine my face. The makeup is gone and now my face is just wet, I pull the hem of my hoodie up and wipe my face on it. I look in the mirror one last time and smile thankful it's gone. I leave and sit down on my bed. It's probably time for supper, "If you don't hurry up and clean your face I'll go to supper without you." I Say my eyes locked onto Malfoy, he's sitting on his bed with his legs out in front of him twirling his want through his fingers like he did the first time in potions. "We've probably already missed supper Potter," he says getting up and going into the bathroom. I hear the tap running from the other room and I lay back in my bed, I didn't mind if we skipped dinner. I probably wasn't gonna eat anything anyway.
A couple of minutes later Malfoy exits the bathroom his face gleaming still damp he heads to the door and then grabbing the handle to leave he turns around. "Coming Potter?" "I thought you said supper would be over," I say, not moving from my bed. "It is but we have to eat so I'm taking you to the kitchen," I sigh and get up and follow Malfoy out the door without another word. It's awkwardly silent as we walk down corridors on the way to the kitchen but I'm not gonna break it, this is the first time I've been within a meter of Malfoy and he hasn't tried to argue with me. We reach the portrait of the fruit bowl and Malfoy tickles the pear, it all comes back. Coming here with Hermione when she was organizing SPEW set on helping the house elves even when they didn't need or ask for it. I take a deep breath and then follow him through, the smell of sausages and mash fills my nose as I step inside. It is a very humid room with a high roof and long tables in the middle much like the great hall. Malfoy walks straight to a house elf and asks for a plate of supper, "what do you want Potter?" He turns to look over his shoulder to look at me, I hesitate. I forgot I'd actually have to eat. "Um, can I just have some tea and biscuits? I ask slowly, not sure if the house elves can even do that. Malfoy just turns around to the elf, with a sharp pop the elf disappears. Malfoy walks towards one of the long tables and sits down. I realize I've been standing here awkwardly just watching so I go over and sit down next to Malfoy. We sit in silence until the food comes, the elf placing a steaming mug of tea and a plate full of a selection of biscuits on the table as well as a plate of sausages and mash with a small jug of gravy. I pick up what I assume is a scotch finger and twirled it in the tea nibbling on the soggy part of the biscuit. "Are you really not going to eat a proper meal?" I look up, the biscuit still held between my fingers, "mm not really hungry." I reply looking back at the plate, come to think of it, this is quite a lot of biscuits. I don't think I can even finish this. I put the scotch finger down and pick up my mug cradling the side in one hand and the handle in the other hand. I tilt it to my mouth and take a sip scolding my tongue and quickly moving the mug away from my lips, I should probably let it cool down. I look to my right and Malfoy is slicing off the end of a sausage, he turns to meet my eyes and I quickly turn away. "You can have some if you want. I'm not gonna finish all this," he says, pushing his plate in my direction a little so it sits between us. I eye the hot plate of food and my stomach grumbles, "are you sure?" I ask, looking at him. "Mhmm," he hums, chewing on his slice of sausage. I slice a chunk out of the sausage and bite it off my fork, I try not to think about chewing. I pick up my tea again to wash it down but it's still boiling hot and burns on the way down, we sit in silence. I don't eat anymore, I just sit and think. Malfoy snatches a chocolate covered biscuit from my plate and then gets up from the table, "done Potter?" "Yep." I respond, getting up and leaving the practically full plate of biscuits on the table along with the mug of tea. We walk in silence again the whole way back to our dorm. The silence is only broken occasionally by Malfoy biting into his biscuit or my converse scuffing against the floor, when we eventually reach the dorm I was trailing behind Malfoy and the door nearly shut in my face, Malfoy not bothering to hold it long enough for me to walk through. I grab my sweatpants from last night and the same white shirt and walk to the bathroom. I lock the door and quickly change. When I look in the mirror I'm disgusted. I have the same bandage wrapped around my forearm, a dead giveaway of my bad habits and when I pull the side of the shirt so it's tight against my body I realize I've put on weight since arriving. I rub my eyes and run my hands through my hair pulling at it in annoyance. I bend down after one last look at myself in the mirror and grab my sweatshirt and cargo's off the floor and leave the bathroom. I chuck the clothes in my hand into the laundry basket next to my dresser and grab the white long sleeve off my bed and throw it into the basket as well. I look across the room and Malfoy is sitting under the covers of his bed reading a potions book, I roll my eyes and get under my duvet flicking my wand so the main room lights shut off and the room falls into darkness. I hear Malfoy close his book and place it on the nightstand, he wasn't going to argue about the lights again? "Malfoy?" I call out timidly not sure how he's going to respond, "Yes potter." He drawls, not very interested in having a conversation with me but too tired to argue, "Why did you take me to the infirmary on the afternoon we arrived here?" I ask, I'm not sure what made me ask this. I wasn't planning on ever bringing it up but after that big argument he's kinda stopped being an utterly awful and obnoxious character and is being a lot more passive than usual. "What?" He asks with a tone of confusion in his voice, "I asked why you-" "I know what you asked Potter, what I don't know is why you think it was me that brought you up to the infirmary." He sounds pissed, maybe I shouldn't have brought this up. "Well Madam Pomfrey said you carried me up from the train," "So you've known this whole time and haven't considered thanking me?" Of course that's where his mind goes, reward for actually being a decent human being. "Well I didn't really believe it was true," I reply, trying to get the image of Malfoy carrying me out of my head. "It's not like you're heavy Potter you barely weigh more than a big cat," "That's not what I mean, I meant it didn't make sense that you of all people actually helped me." "I'm not evil Potter plus no one was on the train, you would have woken up back at Kings cross station," "I know it just doesn't make sense, you're supposed to despise me not carry me like I'm a damsel in distress." "I don't despise you Potter, I just find joy in making your life a living hell." I chuckle typical "Well you can stop now, I don't need another year of torture I've had plenty of that for one lifetime." "I think you'll find that just encourages me to do it even more Potter, anyway stop talking I want to sleep." I don't even bother replying, my consciousness already slipping away as I fall into a dreamless sleep.
Draco's POV
I rise early changing in the bathroom into an old bulgaria quidditch t-shirt and some random black shorts they're a little bit too small but as long as they don't ride up too much I'll be fine. I leave the bathroom careful not to wake Potter. I don't think I could deal with his antics this early in the morning, when I exit the dorm and reach the common room I put on my running shoes and then head out into the corridors. The cold air in the hallways on the way outside sends chills up my arms, my hair standing on end, there's something so refreshing about being cold that being warm doesn't quite give off. It wakes me up in no time and as soon as my feet hit the grass outside I start running. I head towards the lake first following the edge of it then turn and follow the line of the trees at the edge of the forest. Since my first year incident with Quirrel and the unicorns I've always been a bit unsure of the forbidden forest, although I'm sure I'd be fine now it's still quite unsettling. After about 40 minutes of running along the forest treeline I turn so I'm running up the grass towards the school. When I reach the walls of the school I turn and run along them turning into the hallway at the next entrance I come across. Walking through the corridors this early is peaceful no one is judging me or looking at me I don't have the burden of head's turning to watch me with uncertainty I'm treated like a bomb, like I could snap at any moment and throw curses at people like a mad man. I know I chose to join the dark side but at the time it really didn't seem like the worst thing in the world. I mean my parents did it, my whole family line practically was part of it, my friends even were. I didn't realize it would cause me such a big backlash, to be honest I didn't think I'd survive the war let alone return for a last year at hogwarts, but my mother requested that I did and with Mcgonagall, my mother and Pansy all trying to get me to come back I decided I should save myself an earful and just do as I was told. I've now reached the portrait hole and I slow my walk to stop in front of it, "Blithesome." It swings open and I climb through, no ones in the common room yet not to my surprise however because it's still very early hours of the morning. I head towards the stairs cursing Professor Mcgonagall for giving me the furthest dorm from the common room. The stairwell comes to a stop right outside my dorm and I open the door slowly. Thankfully Potter is still asleep and Pansy has not nagged me to wake him so I swipe my towel off the end of my bed and head into the bathroom to have a shower.
Harry's POV
I wake up to the sound of the shower running, I sit up and rub my eyes pulling the duvet up over my chest to keep me warm. I pull back the covers and slide to the edge of my bed so my legs are dangling off the side, I smile to myself and hop off the bed hearing the shower turn off and wet feet hit the tiled floor of the bathroom. I quickly and quietly make my way over to the bathroom door trying not to let Malfoy know I'm awake and stand to one side of the door, I can hear the door unlock and Malfoy starts to step out. "Malfoy!" I shout jumping towards him with my hands out trying to scare him. He spins around very suddenly slipping on his wet feet, luckily he catches himself and manages to right himself. His towel, although, has been completely disregarded and is no longer hanging loosely around his waist but is in a heap on the floor at his feet. I screech taking in everything in front of me quickly turning away from his naked body, "Potter! Bloody hell. what is with you!" He yells pulling up his towel and tying it at his waist back in its rightful place. I turn back around my face flushing, "Not my fault you just flashed me." I snap, "Well if you hadn't tried to scare me like a complete imbecile it wouldn't've happened in the first place." He retaliates glaring hard, "just pretend it never happened whilst I go and bleach my eyes." I groan and head into the bathroom, I take a quick leak and when I leave Malfoy is just pulling on a button up black shirt. I walk towards my dresser and pull out a dark gray pair of wide leg jeans unfolding them and laying them on my bed, I then open my shirts draw pulling out a plain black long sleeve and a white t-shirt to layer on top with a skull printed in black and a with a halo over its head and a red skull printed with devil horns that is offset slightly so the line drawings are not directly on top of eachother. I grab boxers and white socks and then return to the bathroom to get changed.
Once I've put on the jeans I cuff the bottoms so they don't drag on the floor and then I put on the rest of the outfit the black long sleeve and then the white graphic t-shirt on top. I leave the bathroom room, and walk over to my bed. I crouch down to look under it for shoes, I grab one of my black high top converse and then I grab one of the same but in red. They go perfectly with my shirt. I put the red one on my left foot and the black one on my right then I get up and get ready to leave, slinging my bag over my shoulder and grabbing my wand off my bedside table. I pull open the door and look over my shoulder. "Are you coming to breakfast?" I ask, trying not to look Malfoy directly in the eyes, "Yea I'll be down in a minute." I walk out without responding and go down the stairwell in the direction of the common room.

"You'll be the death of me."
RandomThis is a fic set in 8th year when students involved in the war are asked to finish their studies. Draco has a thing, some would call it a kink. and of course who other than his worst enemy happens to be the only one who can fulfil it. There might...