4 (Frightened?) - edited

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Harry's POV:

I wake up and I instantly feel my head throbbing, like it's about to cave in on itself. I rub my temples slowly, hissing at the pain and remove my glasses from pushing into the back of my ears. I look around noticing the light fluttering in through the thin curtains and falling onto the empty bed already made looking fresh and crisp in the morning light. I quickly realize I have classes and cast a charm checking the time before moving quickly into the bathroom feeling like utter shit, heavy on my feet and groggy in the head. I close the door shut and lock it behind me. Grabbing my 3 in 1 and a razor I enter the shower turning the handle and letting the scorching water fall down my back. I inhale deeply the humid steamy air slowing my breathing and making me take heavier deeper breaths, calming me slightly. I wash my hair scrubbing the 3 in 1 through my thick dark hair massaging my scalp. I exit the shower shave and brush my teeth wrapping the towel loosely at my hips and walk out of the steamy sauna like environment expecting to enter an empty dorm. Although Malfoy is perched on his bed sorting through papers which is absurd because we haven't even had a single class yet and he's already found himself work. I walk towards my dresser paying him no attention and grabbing out grey sweatpants and a sex pistols band t shirt, since the war I've been working on my style considering its one of the only things I can control and eighth years don't have to wear robes this year although this is one of my simpler outfits considering I'm too hungover to try make anything better. I grab out boxers and a pair of white socks and head back to the bathroom to get changed, turning away from my drawers. I notice Malfoys staring and my face drops to a scowl. "What Malfoy?" I say storming across the room to the bathroom, he looks slightly taken back and I shut the door promptly behind me turning to the mirror. I dress myself before straightening up and looking at myself in the now clear mirror disgusted. I lift my shirt glaring at my body in frustration. I spot my razor on the bench and grab it, removing the blade. I glance at myself one more time before sliding my back down the wall to sit and laying my arm out in front of me. Holding the blade delicately I push it harshly into my skin dragging it through creating a deep line spotting with blood my head now full of a haze of adrenaline I continue down my arm slashing deep wounds and moving my attention to the other swapping the blade into my left hand and tracing just as deep lines into my right arm. When I'm done I'm exhausted and I drop the blade leaning my head back against the door reaching up and using the door handle to pull myself up. I grab the blade off the floor and walk to the basin running my arms under the water, the stinging hot and sharp on my skin. They continue to bleed but I am out of the bathroom anyway shutting off the lights and walking over to my drawers. I throw on a zip up black hoodie wearing it unzipped and open so it covers my arms but doesn't hide the shirt. I grab my bag and sling it over one shoulder ignoring Malfoys stare when I pass his bed and shut the door with a bit too much force. I spotted no one In the large open common room so I decided to just go to the great hall alone. Walking the corridors late in the morning was quite peaceful. Everybody was in class and the halls were empty and quiet. I reach the hall and sit next to Hermione at the eighth year table. Eighth years don't have a first period of the day on Mondays, which I assume is to avoid students coming to class hungover, I reach across the table to grab a muffin from one of the man large platters spread across the table but withdraw my hand thinking back to the state my stomach had been in this morning. "How are you feeling after last night Harry?" Hermione asked, turning to look at me, "Yea mate you were practically gone when we left and I heard you guys still going like hours later you must've been hammered." I chuckle to myself trying to recall last night as best I couldn't, not really having much memory of it after a couple drinks, "I'm fine, still a bit groggy but it's to be expected I guess." I say shrugging slightly, Hermione nods knowingly "I can't believe you'd drink on a school night." I chuckle again pouring some form of juice into my glass and taking a swig of it then getting up out of my seat. "What do we have first?" I ask without really paying attention as I step away from the table, "We have advanced potions, Ron on the other hand-" I walk away not needing to hear the rest of the conversation. I was going to go flying. I still had a while until class started. I exit a corridor and head towards the broom shed where I had started keeping my broom, grabbing it and closing the wooden shed door. I stepped one leg over the broom and pulled upwards, causing my broom to shoot up under me and I was flying. The adrenaline of it all was an escape from everything. It was the same I'd felt earlier in the bathroom, my mind clouded with adrenaline taking away the numb feeling for a while letting the chilling air scrape any exposed skin and freshening the dull feeling in my body. I flew over the forbidden forest for a while before following the treeline back to the school when I spot a figure running beneath me around the edge of the forest, I maneuvered my broom down to get a closer look and realize that blonde head of hair could only belong to Draco Malfoy. He must've started working out since the war. I noticed he had been looking leaner but I figured it was the fact that he'd grown about a foot more since I'd last seen him. I continued to follow him until he stopped and turned up in my direction. Not knowing what to do I stopped and just stared straight back, "What are you doing Potter?" He snapped and I lowered on my broom coming down just above him so he'd still have to look up at me. "Flying, what does it look like?" I snapped back glaring down at him, "It looks like you're following me. And I'd appreciate it if you stopped." I scoffed and turned on my broom and flew back towards the school landing and tucking away my broom in the shed and stalked back into the castle I wanted to go to my dorm but I knew I'd have to see Malfoy come in once he'd finished and I'd probably getting shouted at for following him. I'm not sure why I followed him. I guess I just did it subconsciously. After all the years of him sneaking around and letting death eaters into the school it had become routine for me to try and work out what he was doing before it happened. I walked for a while back towards the portrait of bo peep and slipped inside the common room falling onto an empty sofa and just staring at the ceiling letting thoughts fly around my head.

Eventually I heard the portrait open and someone step in. I sat up to see who it was and a shocked looking Malfoy gasped at my sudden appearance obviously not noticing me on the sofa. "Christ Potter you're gonna give someone a heart attack doing that." I don't reply for a moment taking in everything I am seeing; his glistening forehead beneath his hair that's fallen in front of his eyes, his white tee shirt clinging to his stomach showing the muscle beneath it and his sweatshorts hanging low on his hips letting the bottom of his v line peek from between the waistband and bottom hem of his shirt. My breath is caught in my throat and I clear it with a slight cough and then say "Maybe you shouldn't get scared so easily Malfoy," "I don't get scared Potter, you couldn't frighten me if you tried." He said turning his nose up and walking off but turning back momentarily to glare at me "Sure Malfoy we'll see about that." I spoke a smirk pulling at my lips as he turned and stormed off. This would be fun.

Advanced potions was a nightmare I was sitting next to Hermione and Slughorn was going on about the first potion we'd be brewing, Malfoy and Zambini were sitting in the very back row and when I turned to look at them I noticed Malfoy paying no attention to what slughorn was saying and just playing with his wand spinning it around his freakishly long slender fingers. I was slightly tranced by the movement watching him spin his wand round his hand, acting with a mind of its own like a spider weaving a web. I looked up to Malfoys face and hes smirking at me evily a hint of menace lingering behind his eyes and I quickly whip my head to the front where slughorn was still writing instructions about precision and some other bollocks about acids and bases and balance or some shit. Hermione began whispering to me still facing the front, "Pay attention or you will never pass this year. You don't have the diary to cheat with this year." "I didn't cheat!" I whispered more harshly than intended, looking to my left to make sure I hadn't offended her too much. "Seems like cheating to me," She shrugged and continued to listen intently to Slughorn rambling on and on. god when would this class end. "Alrighty then looks like that's time," He began, I let out the breath and got ready to leave. "Next lesson we'll be brewing Amortentia so have a bit of a read up on that if you need, have a good day." He waves as we exit the classroom, "Ugh didn't we brew that already?" Hermione huffs as we walk the hallway away from that dreaded classroom. "I don't know Mione," I reply honestly, wiping my forehead with the back of my hand. My head was aching and was spinning slightly, I wobbled on my legs and collapsed against the stonewall of the hallway. "Oh! Harry are you alright?" Hermione asked rather confused and concerned, acting in a rather motherly way. "Yea, just a bit hungover still is all," I say, pushing myself off the ground and standing straight shooting a smile at Hermione. "Better stay on your feet Potter wouldn't want to end up in the infirmary again this year, now would you?" Malfoy snickers as he walks past the scene, I hadn't even noticed he was there. I guess he must have left later than us. Me and hermione started walking again and I turned to Hermione noticing how she furrowed her eyebrows in concentration, I can practically see the cogs spinning in her head as she thought long and hard about something before asking. "Harry, how did Malfoy know you have been to the infirmary already?" I was a bit taken aback i hadn't even thought of that myself, I hadn't told him any time unless I mentioned it when I was black out drunk last night. "Not that I recall why?" "Well I've been thinking, you said malfoy mentioned that you sharing a dorm was because you had a panic attack." "Er- yea..?" I questioned not really knowing where she was taking this. "Well did you tell him that? Because he seemed to know more than even me or Ron." It now clicked what Hermione was trying to get at. "Mione I dont think Malfoy would have had anything to do with it someone probably saw and started a rumor or something." I responded not liking the image being casted in my mind, "I think we should go and ask Madame pomfrey how you go into the infirmary yesterday." I hadn't even thought about that, how did I get into the infirmary? Someone must've found me on the train.

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