7 (Patched up) - edited

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Harry's POV

My head is spinning and my body feels light, like I'm floating and I can only control my thoughts, maybe not even that I'm just watching through my eyes and I feel distant from my own body. I stand and I see what's left of my arm. I can feel the hot pain seeping through me as a register what's going on and it stings when I finally right myself in my own mind. I'm leant against the glass wall of the shower and the water is now running cold. How long have I been here? I get up and turn off the shower wrapping a towel around my waist, I can feel a warm trickle down my forearm reaching my palm. It tickles and I can feel it drip onto the floor of the bathroom. I run the basin tap and rinse my arm under it, the scarlet clearing from my arm, holding my arm up so it doesn't drip. I walk to the door to the bathroom and unlock it Peeking my head round to check Malfoy isn't in the room. I walk out and ruffle through my washbag, I find a set of gauze bandages and wrap my arm to stop the bleeding as best I can. I dress myself in my clothes from today and lay on top of my bed covers letting my heavy head rest. I'm drained.

The next time I come to conscious-ness it's to the sound of a gasp and a hand pulling away from me, it sounds high pitched, like a girl. I open my eyes and Pansy of all people is standing at the side of my bed, her eyes wide looking from her hand to me and back again to look at her hand. I sit up and realize I'm now beneath the covers of my bed, so that's what she was doing. Maybe she's not as bad as she seems. I met her eye contact again. Her eyes look sad and disappointed. She breaks eye contact as she reaches for my towel that's left a damp patch on the end of my bed sheets, wiping her hands on it as she hangs it on the end of bed. I pull back my sheets and sit with my feet dangling from the edge of my bed. "What're you doing here?" I spot Malfoy behind her Blaise accompanying him atop his bed. They both have books open reading and Pansy only stands her eyes glossy, "Erm- " she clears her throat. "Sorry I just thought you'd be more comfortable under the covers," she attempts a smile and then turns back to Malfoy and Blaise sitting down next to them and peering over at the books they're reading. I stand and head for the bathroom to pee.

When I next enter the dorm no one is in there. The only trace they were ever there is the books stacked on Malfoy's side table. They must have headed down to the great hall for supper. My stomach growls at the thought of all that food that must be lining the dining tables, gnawing at me from the inside out. Maybe I'll go down and apologize to Hermione. I can't hide from her forever, so I smooth my slightly wrinkled jeans and throw on a black hoodie over my shirts, tying up the laces on my black converse as I leave my dorm. I walk slowly, taking my time in the hope that when I get there Hermione won't be there and the tables will be cleared of food. But much to my disappointment the tables are still full of food and Hermione is sitting on a bench near the far end of the hall. The walk past the table makes me squeamish, I can feel eyes on me and it makes me wish I could disappear. I reach Hermione and slide into the seat next to her, "Hey Harry." She speaks with a gentle tone like I'm some fragile porcelain statue that could crack and shatter at any given moment. "Hi, uhm I wanted to say sorry for yesterday, I was a bit of an arsehole." She smiles, her eyes remaining sad despite her face displaying something different. "It's alright Harry, I understand." I want to ask her to stop talking to me like that, with those sad eyes and that gentle tone, it's infuriating. She doesn't understand. How could she? Instead of saying anything else I get up and begin to walk away again. Hermione turns back to her plate and I think I'm finally able to get away from the taunting food presented in masses on the table. Until another voice calls from the table, "Aren't you gonna eat anything Potter?" It's Pansy I can tell because she's doing that same thing Hermione was, sad eyes, cheery voice, pitying me. "Already ate." I don't want to have a conversation because she doesn't deserve an explanation. "Bull shit Potter you've been asleep all afternoon." Malfoys voice chimes in, cutting through my thoughts, obviously enjoying proving me wrong, the smirk evident on his pale face. I glare at him before stalking off back to my dorm. Why does everyone want to stick their nose in my business? It's nothing for them to worry about.

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