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Warning: This story is rated M. There is sexual content, swearing, drug use, violence, and adult themes ahead. You have been warned.

All characters are depicted as 18+ and please remember - this is a fictional story, I am not trying to sexualize any BTS member or interpret them as bad people. This is completely fictional, please don't take it too seriously. With that being said, enjoy Everlast.

*Note that all mood boards present in the story were made by me, please do not repost/reuse.


"The number you are trying to reach has been disconnected."

She shoved the phone back into her pocket, wiping a stray tear off her cheek and staring out the arched window once more. Not even a goodbye. Not that she ever got that from him, but it was worth a try. A valiant effort, as her sister would say. Another person she hadn't seen in ages. Another she most likely wouldn't see again. The thought panged her heart, but she forced it away. Today was supposed to be about her. How come that always changed?

The plane with slim corridors and three rows of seats bumped twice while a flight attendant rolled her cart down the aisle, halting in front of the woman's section. "Miss, may I offer you some refreshments?" she asked, a kind smile plastered on her face. Fake. All fake. She saw fakeness on a daily basis: her job, her home, her mirror. The woman returned the fake smile.

"No," was her only response, her biting back the temptation to roll her eyes and tell the worker off for daring interrupt her private time. Regardless of her mental complaints, the cart squeaked in horror as it marched away on the mismatched navy and black carpets, her eyes returning to the landscape below. Her fingers scratched the tiny windowsill, scraping up dirt much to her surprise. She wiped her mucky nails on the back of the seat in front of her, going back to sinking in her chair and staring.

There was a tap on her shoulder, her head swiveling to glance at whoever disturbed her rest for the second time. "Excuse me, do you happen to have any extra napkins? My son is making a mess," the man behind her said. His eyes were full of depth, a chestnut shade complimenting his honey skin and slim lips with no hair surrounding them.

She flickered her eyes down to her purse, noting the two she had left, then she snapped her eyes back up. "Sorry. I used my last one an hour ago."

The man sighed his annoyance, going back to sulking while rocking his kid back and forth. The woman grabbed her phone once more, expecting emails and texts. None. She struggled to find something to do to pass the time, her feet tapping against the ground. Mentally, she played some tic tac toe, winning each time. She got so bored that at one point she played rock paper scissors with her left and right hand.

Hours passed of this boredom, her phone drained of battery like her mind. The same squeak came back, the attendant not bothering to stop this time. "Excuse me," she said before the cart could make its escape. The attendant halted, shifted her gaze, and bit back a groan when she saw who was calling. "Water?"

The attendant handed it to her, the woman snatching it away. "Ma'am, may I ask your name?" the attendant asked.

"No," she replied, popping off the cap for the water. "Why?"

"Have I seen you on this flight before?" she asked, not answering the woman's previous question.

"I doubt it." The short answer was enough to cause the attendant to back off, the woman averting her eyes to tell the worker the conversation was over. She took the hint, pitter-pattering back to the corner of the plane.

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