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When consciousness came to him, he found himself amazed to be lying on sand. Or, at least what he thought was sand. A soft bed of material sunk into his skin, coating him with grains of the tan substance. His eyes fluttered, the setting sun in the horizon. It was his only source of light, and it was fading. That left him with one question.

What the hell happened?

He shot up, panting and holding a hand over his chest. His breathing was ragged, entering his lungs almost forcefully. His eyes darted around, scanning the vicinity. That was when he noticed the wreckage of what looked to be a plane resting in the water ahead of him. So he was on a small, beach-like place, waves crashing onto the sand at a moderate pace. 

The water itself was etched with specs of navy and phthalo, appearing as though rot was spinning inside the liquid. It didn't help that pieces of those shades swam their way onto the sand, creating a mesh of colors that were like an abstract painting he'd find in a museum.

Not wishing to waste more time, he got on his feet, regretting it seconds later when he landed on his knees again, vomiting. He didn't recall feeling any nausea, but he felt much better after letting it loose.

"Congratulations stranger, you're stuck here," a female voice said.

Tae whipped his head around, coughing as a result of his sickness. A single woman stood there, arms crossed over her chest with what Tae swore was a pout residing on her lips. Her body was ravaged, parroting how he was sure he looked.

There was a forest not far behind her, the beach segment of the island spacious, but the trees closed in on them like curtains. The patches of nature were like a circle surrounding them, the inside of the forest welcoming them with open arms.

"What the hell is happening? Am I dead?" he asked. In retrospect, that was probably a dumb question. Sure, in his dazed state, she looked like an angel, but he had never seen this woman in his life. He'd hoped that someone he knew would be waiting for him when he passed on. Maybe that was his inner child speaking.

"I wish we both were. We'd be better off." She shoved her finger in the direction of the wreckage. "It's been an hour, no signs of anyone else coming out of that thing, and I'll be damned if I'm going back to search. I think we're the only ones left."

A huff passed his lips. "Thanks."


"Getting me out of there," he said.

"You should be thanking yourself. You swam your ass here and passed out on the beach. Only thing I did was tilt you on your side so you didn't choke on anything. Even then I didn't have much hope you'd make it. Nice to know I'm not alone," she replied.

Although wary, he still strode over to her, offering her his hand. "I'm Kim Taehyung. 25, I was on my way to see family."

She shook his hand albeit after much hesitation, the two shakes she gave solid. Strange to compliment such a grip, but Tae found himself amazed by the ease. Maybe a businesswoman? Political figure? "Y/n L/n. I didn't really ask for your information, so I hope you don't mind if I don't give you mine. We have more important matters to attend to."

He didn't comment on her attitude, instead eyeing the smoke rising in the air. A smoke that clouded his eyes and had his skin forming goosebumps. The trails of lumps that formed on his arms resulted in a tiny tremble hitting his legs, almost knocking him back on his knees. "What the hell? Wait hang on," he mumbled, the reality of the situation dawning upon him. "Wait, did we fucking crash?!"

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