LA Barbie

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"You'll sleep here. There's a bathroom for you behind this door. Tell me if you need anything" Katya said showing Trixie her room.
"No it's perfect thank you so much. I owe you"
"Forget about it. Are you hungry? I can order something"
"It's fine I think I'll go to sleep now"
"You've barely eaten anything today. Don't try to be polite with me I won't be broke by the end of the month if I take care of your expenses" Katya replied looking more serious.
"But you barely know me and I'm already depending on you for food and shelter it's like I'm a pet or something..." Trixie mumbled sitting down on the bed. She truly did feel like that. She hated to rely on other people, it made her feel like a useless burden.

"It's not like that at all Trixie you're not less worthy because you're struggling. I'm just helping a friend out. Friends buy each other food and have sleepovers right? You'll pay me back when you're richer than me and famous. So next year." Katya said smiling and squatting down in front of Trixie to look in her eyes. Trixie smiled back, the Russian's words managed to cheer her up.

"I'll tell you when the food's here." Katya added before leaving and closing the door behind her.
Trixie fell back on the bed an tried to make sense of everything that happened today. Her very hot agent was now catering for all of her needs. It was great, better than anything she could have imagined. Trixie jumped up and undressed to take a shower. The whole bathroom was so luxurious she felt like she was in the most expensive suite of a 5 star hotel. After that she put on a pink tracksuit and removed the rest of her makeup. She received a text from Katya saying that dinner was ready and went down to join her. Katya analyzed Trixie's bare face since it was the first time she ever saw her like that. Her natural features were flawless in the Russian's eyes.

After a week of working together Katya had found a bar in which Trixie would be able to perform a few songs. They organized which titles she would play, and now they were headed to the studio to see if there were any clothes for her to wear.

"It doesn't zip up all the way" Trixie said to Katya who was waiting on the other side of the door.
"Try the yellow dress"
"I already did and it's too tight. Nothing fits Katya I'll use my own stuff"
"Can I come in?" Katya asked knocking on the door. Trixie opened and looked disappointed.
"Let's go shopping" The Russian proposed taking the blonde's hand.
"Katya no I don't n-"
"Shh." Katya replied putting her index on Trixie's lips. The girl nervously laughed and stopped complaining. They went to a mall and bought different outfits for Trixie, as well as new makeup and jewelry. Katya told herself this was only an investment for future profit, but deep down she loved to spoil girls. Especially Trixie who was extremely grateful for everything and looked so pretty with a smile.

Tonight was the first time Trixie would perform in LA. Katya suggested her to wear the orange pink and yellow flower patterned dress with her white boots and a white belt. She also had a matching bow in her big blonde hair.

"Are you ready? Do you have your makeup bag and another outfit packed just in case?" Katya asked as she took her car keys.
"Yeah. We can leave" Trixie sighed nervously. The Russian looked up at her and was amazed by the doll standing in front of her.
"You're gorgeous."
"That's thanks to my stylist" The girl said with a smile and opened the door. They walked out and settled in Katya's car. She noticed how Trixie was wiggling her leg up and down and clenching her fists. She put her hand on her thigh to stop her.

"There's no pressure Trix. You know what you do and you do it well."
"The thing is that I was barely good in my small hometown in Wisconsin. With the amount of great new coming singers in LA I will never be able to stand out. I'll never be better than them. There will always be someone with a stronger voice or smarter lyrics." Trixie replied letting out everything that was going on in her head.
"I chose you and not someone else. You shouldn't compare yourself to others. You are unique and I'm sorry that you can't see that." Katya responded turning the car off. They entered the bar by the back door and put Trixie's stuff in a small dressing room. It was time for her to go on stage.

"You're gonna be amazing. I believe in you" Katya reassured taking Trixie's hands in hers.
"Thank you. Can I hug you?" The blonde tentatively asked. Katya smiled and put her arms around Trixie, holding her tight. They rocked from side to side for a while and separated when a staff member told Trixie it was time to go. She waved at Katya and left. The Russian stood there for a bit, stunned by how good hugging this girl felt. She wondered if she just lacked human touch or if Trixie made her feel that way. Katya walked into the bar's main area and sat on a stool near the scene. She ordered a redbull and watched intently as Trixie adjusted the mic. People weren't really paying attention, but the loud voices died down once she introduced herself. The blonde started singing and Katya couldn't keep her eyes off of her. She seemed so happy to be on stage and her outfit suited her perfectly.

Trixie looked around in the audience and she ended up catching Katya's eyes. The Russian was smiling widely and it gave her even more energy. Trixie loved to have someone cheer for her, she never really had that before. She finished her first song and some people clapped. It was an underwhelming reaction but she didn't let it bring her down. Katya was still there with her unfading grin.

Trixie did 5 more songs and walked back in the dressing room. The patrons got more and more invested throughout her performance and almost the entire room applauded when she finished her set.
"You did so good Trixie! I'm very proud of you." Katya said as she opened the door. Her smile was sincere and her eyes seemed so caring. Trixie melted at the praise she was receiving. She tried to keep her composure and sat down on the small couch.
"Thank you so much. I'm so grateful for this Katya."
"I'm only doing my job. Rest for a bit and then you can go chat with the customers okay? Try to share your socials with them. I'll pack your things and wait for you at a table. We'll leave whenever you want."
"Yeah I'll do that. I just have to fix my makeup"

Trixie had no problem discussing with strangers. She was outgoing and in a few minutes people swarmed around her. She was offered many drinks and accepted all of them to be polite. Trixie was tipsy but she was having fun. Almost an hour later most people were leaving. However one guy was still sat next to her talking about how he was amazed by the blonde's talent. Even under the influence of alcohol Trixie knew that by talent he meant boobs. He wasn't ugly or too annoying, Trixie was just obviously not very interested in men. She tried to say that she had to go multiple times to no avail. The guy found another subject to ramble on. Trixie gave Katya a "get me out of this" look but she didn't seem to notice as she sipped on her soda mindlessly.

When she felt a hand on her knee she abruptly stood up, said goodbye and went over to Katya.

"Why did you let me rot with this dude?" Trixie sighed.
"What? I thought you wanted to hook up with him"
Trixie raised her eyebrows and laughed loudly.
"Is your gay dar broken Kat? I'm lesbian" The blonde giggled.
"Oh. I assumed that country singers were always straight" Katya replied with a frown. She was still mad about how people were all over Trixie for the past hour. She felt weirdly liberated and trapped at the same time to know she loved women. On one side she preferred to be around gay people but on the other side she knew that a friendship with Trixie would never satisfy her.
"Don't worry I won't shame you for having stereotypes you're from another generation after all..." The younger girl teased as they exited the bar.
"Shut up! I'm only 28. And you are a walking backwoods Barbie so don't blame me for making assumptions"
"Not backwoods anymore. LA Barbie!"
"Yeah keep on getting on my nerves and I'll send you back to Wisconsin"

Trixie pouted which earned a low laugh from Katya. She started the car and drove off to her house. The Russian only now realized how drunk Trixie was, she kept on talking nonstop and was moving a lot in her seat. Katya was thankful to have an elevator because there was no way the blonde could walk up any amount of stairs. She helped her remove her boots and made sure she was okay before going to her own bedroom.

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