Always here

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Trixie was getting used to her tour life, except the missing Katya part. Just yesterday she cried on FaceTime with her. She really tried not to, she wanted to stay strong and not worry Katya too much but she couldn't help it. Katya ended up crying too, her heart broke when she saw Trixie so sad and weak. She would have done anything to hold her in this moment.

Tonight Trixie was performing in her hometown. She didn't come back to Wisconsin since she left to audition in LA, and it brought back a lot of memories and mixed feelings. She was afraid to recognize someone in the crowd, to meet a person from her old life. Trixie thought about all the worst things that could happen while doing her makeup, until someone knocked on the door. She checked the time to make sure she wasn't late, and then stood up to open.

What she didn't expect to see was her girlfriend holding the biggest bouquet of pink flowers she had ever seen.

"Baby" Trixie's voice broke down and she flung herself in Katya's arms.
"Don't cry don't cry my love." Katya said kissing Trixie's head.

They went inside the dressing room and Trixie breathed deeply to avoid messing up her mascara. Katya sat on the sofa and Trixie straddled her, she needed to feel Katya against her.

"How long are you staying?"
"Until Chicago. So that's 3 nights."
"I don't even wanna do the show now I want to spend all the time I have with you" Trixie said pouting.
"I'll watch you from backstage baby."

They were interrupted by the staff who gave Trixie her 10 minutes warning. Katya brushed some strands of Trixie's hair while she reapplied her lipstick, and she was ready to go.

"Go shine my star" Katya said giving her girlfriend a peck before she went on stage. She slapped the girl's ass while she walked away and Trixie looked back and bit her lip. It took the crowd a few minutes to get silent before Trixie could start. Katya was grinning from ear to ear as she watched her perform, her pink sparkly dress was catching all the light and her blonde hair was glowing. As the concert was coming to an end, Trixie took a sip of water and talked a bit with the audience. Everyone screamed for an encore when she announced it was the end, and Trixie had an idea.

"I think you all noticed that most of my songs are about love, but I'm not just a hopeless romantic. Everything I write is about her, my girlfriend, I love her so much. I'm not going to sing another one of my songs, she's heard them so many times, but I want to dedicate this piece from Minnie Riperton to her. Katya, I love you" Trixie said looking to where Katya was standing and smiling at her. Katya was in disbelief for a second, and when she heard Trixie's beautiful voice she felt so lucky to be loved this much.

Lovin' you is easy, 'cause you're beautiful
Makin' love with you is all I wanna do
Lovin' you is more than just a dream come true
And everything that I do is out of lovin' you

No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring
Stay with me while we grow old, and we will live each day in springtime
'Cause lovin' you has made my life so beautiful
And every day of my life is filled with lovin' you
Lovin' you, I see your soul come shinin' through
And every time that we-, ooh, I'm more in love with you

No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring
Stay with me while we grow old, and we will live each day in springtime
'Cause lovin' you is easy, 'cause you're beautiful
And every day of my life is filled with lovin' you
Lovin' you, I see your soul come shinin' through
And every time that we-, ooh, I'm more in love with you

Katya's eyes were filled with tears as Trixie sang the last words. Her girlfriend was so ethereal and perfect, it seemed unreal. While the public was applauding Trixie motioned for Katya to come with her. She hesitated but eventually walked out of the shadow. Trixie took her hand and lead her to the center of the stage, then kissed her. The crowd went even more wild and Katya laughed at how extreme their reaction was. Trixie said her final goodbye to the audience and they walked back to the dressing room.

"Trixie Mattel what did I do to deserve you" Katya said as the blonde packed her stuff to go to the hotel.
"You took a 4 hour flight to see me because I'm a crybaby"
"A crybaby that I'm in love with. Let's go" Katya cheered taking Trixie's bag.

Katya upgraded Trixie's simple room to a suite and they set all their baggage in the large entrance.

"I'm gonna take a bath honey I feel so gross" Trixie sighed removing her tight dress.
"Can I come?"
"You're so predictable Kats. Yes if you give me a back rub"

The two girls settled in the warm water and Katya lathered Trixie's entire body before rinsing it off. She then grabbed the hotel's lotion bottle and started massaging her girlfriend's shoulders. She remained focused on her task for several minutes, and then Trixie fully laid back on Katya.

"Am I crushing you?" Trixie asked worried.
"Yes but it's okay"
"Oh I'm sorry I'm gonna lay on the other side" The younger woman said starting to sit up straight. Katya grabbed her hips and prevented her from moving.
"I like it. I love to feel your weight on me"
"Mh. But it's late anyway we should get out and go to sleep"
"Sleep? I thought you would want my fingers all night"
"Shut up you know I do"
"That's right" Katya said spreading Trixie's legs and running her finger tips over her pussy.

"I miss hearing your pretty voice scream my name so much baby. Those eyes you give me when you feel it coming too" Katya added pushing a finger inside. Trixie exhaled and turned her head against Katya's neck, lightly kissing it.

"You teased me so much the other day on FaceTime I had to get off to some of the vids we took together."
"I- I did that too. More Katya"
Katya put another finger in Trixie and sped up her motions. She groped the blonde's boobs with her other hand and sank it under the water to play with her clit. Katya felt Trixie's panting breath on her neck and saw how her legs were tensing up. She knew what she had to do to bring Trixie to her orgasm. Katya slightly curled up her digits and her girlfriend let out a loud moan, followed by short whimpers.

"Cum babygirl. You're so beautiful" Katya grunted.
Trixie nuzzled her face in Katya's neck and screamed her name. Her hips jerked forward and she felt an intense pleasure overcome her. Trixie's breathing evened out while she came down and Katya squeezed her tight in her arms. They went to bed after that and Trixie was so tired from the show and sleeping in the tour bus for the past days that she just wanted to enjoy the comfortable mattress. She held Katya's waist and they both fell asleep quickly.

Around 10 am the next day they left for Chicago. The two women didn't let go of each other for a minute, they stayed alone in the back of the bus being all lovey.

"Look Kats we're all over Tweeter" Trixie said showing the short clip of them kissing on stage.
"Is it a good thing?" Katya asked watching the post.
"I think. People love us together now"
"They better because I'm never letting you go"
"Me neither"

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