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Trixie and Katya were in her office deciding how they would organize the release of her single. They were sat next to each other and the blonde rested her head on the older woman's shoulder. Suddenly the door shot open and a tall girl entered.

"Katya! I've been trying to see you for days what the fuck is wrong with you can't you reply to my texts and answer my calls?" She shouted.
"Hi Veronica. As I told you I'm currently working with a new talent and I will come back to you once she found a producer." Katya calmly replied.
"Her? Is that the country bimbo Mark told me about?"
"Watch your mouth. Her name is Trixie and she works here now so stay professional."

The younger girl sat up straight and Katya put her arm around her to comfort her.

"Oh okay. I see. You're fucking her aren't you? I'm not really surprised though I was wondering why you would bring this bitch in the studio but obviously it's not for her voice. You need to stop playing with young girls' hopes to get laid. I mean look at her this poor thing has no idea you're using her. Another failed star because you want to stick your fingers in every curvy blonde that exists" Veronica snapped getting in Katya's face. The Russian had enough so she stood up and pushed the woman out of the room. Trixie heard them arguing but she couldn't focus to understand what they were saying. All she could think of was if what Veronica said was true. Katya had been so sweet to her and maybe it wasn't so selfless. Trixie would lose her dream and her lover at once. The blonde felt her emotions overrule and tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably. She ran out and went to the closest restrooms to lock herself in a stall. She was thinking about all the things she sacrificed to get here. She shouldn't have stupidly fallen in Katya's arms and ruin her only chance to become a singer.

"Trixie? Baby where are you? She's gone now" Katya called.
"I don't want you to see me like this" Trixie replied wiping away her tears and trying to hide her sorrowful voice.
"Open Trix please. Come cry in my arms don't stay there alone"
Trixie unlocked the door and Katya opened her arms. She nestled in them and all her worries flew away.

"She was mad and jealous Trixie don't trust a word Veronica said."
"Did you and her dated?" The blonde asked.
"No, but we did sleep together a few times. It was a long time ago and it was only sex."
"And have you ever been with another of your artists?"
"No Trixie, only you. I don't want us to be a short fling."
"Me neither"

Katya kissed Trixie's head and rubbed her back until she was perfectly relaxed. They went on with their work and organized a party for Trixie's first single. The blonde did a lot of communication on her socials and was already at a pretty great number of following. So much so that her first release got more streams than they expected. Her growing fanbase was proof of her talent and Trixie got signed with a producer for her first album. Katya was extremely proud of her and made sure she could promote her upcoming album on talk shows and in press interviews. Trixie was getting ready for her first TV appearance in her room when Katya entered.

"Baby I need to talk to you" She said sitting down on the bed. The blonde hummed and kept on doing her eyeliner.

"I cherish our relationship a lot but as your agent, it's best that you don't mention it publicly. It's better for business if people think you're a young single girl coming straight from the country." Katya explained.
"I don't care what people think of me. I want them to like me the way I am and that includes being your girlfriend" Trixie replied turning towards Katya.
"I want the best for you Trix I know this is your dream and I don't want to be the thing keeping you from it. You're not lying about who you are, you're just not unveiling your private life. That's all."
"Hm. Will you not be jealous that everyone thinks I'm available? You should see how many girls I've got in my DMs, it's gonna get worse" Trixie sultrily said sitting down on Katya's lap.
"Don't play that game babygirl. You know you're mine" She responded squeezing Trixie's hips and kissing her neck.
"I do. I just wish everyone else knew"
"The day will come my love."

Trixie got a lot of attention from the public and she started working more and more. Every weekend she would perform at another place. When her album was released Trixie was all over the media. Katya was there with her each time on set, and it was extremely hard to not kiss and hug her before going in front of the cameras. One time Trixie had to do a TV interview in the morning the day after a late night show. She was tired and out of it, so when the host told her they started in 5 minutes she finished her redbull and pecked Katya's lips without thinking about it. She noticed her girlfriend's stiffness and immediately understood what she did. Of course everyone saw, and the news anchor asked about it. Trixie denied everything and said they only had a close platonic relationship but it was too late. Once the program aired paparazzi followed her from the studio to Katya's apartment, and it made things worse since they now knew she lived with her agent. Tabloids wrote about their secret lesbian affair like it was a scandal to go viral, tearing Trixie and Katya down in the process.

Trixie went home alone again the next day and a journalist wouldn't let her go away. He wanted to get some reaction out of her so he made slanderous affirmations about her and her relationship. Trixie remained silent until she locked the door and ran to her bed crying. She didn't ask for this, she didn't want this. Her songs were in the charts, more money flowed in her bank account each month and she had a lot of amazing fans, but the press was taking a toll on her. Trixie was not used to be under the spotlight. She ended up falling asleep fully dressed after sobbing under the covers for too long.

When Katya came home she was surprised that her girl didn't come running into her arms like she usually did. She slowly opened her bedroom door and saw some strands of blonde hair peaking out from the bedsheets. She was about to go away to let Trixie sleep when she heard a small hoarse voice.

"Yes baby?" Katya asked coming back next to the bed.
"I need cuddles"

The woman smiled and joined her girl, frowning when she saw her red and swollen face.

"They said I'm only famous because I slept with you and that you're gonna dump me when I stop selling" Trixie said resting her head on Katya's chest.
"Oh my baby... None of this is true. You know that I love you"
"I love you too Katya. But I can't pretend not to for the public anymore. We should make an announcement to say we're together"
"We can if you want but I don't think it'll change something. It's normal that the press is all over you right now. It's a good thing actually" Katya explained rubbing Trixie's back.
"How is it a good thing? Don't you see how bad it affects me?"
"I know my love I know. You're becoming a great star though. It won't always be easy but you have to push through to achieve your dream"
"My dream was to make music not to be harassed by journalists." Trixie said annoyed.
"You can't have one without the other. You should've expected it"
"Oh well sorry I didn't know that becoming a singer was only possible if I laid my mental health aside." The blonde huffed turning her back to Katya.
"You know what I mean. Stop being immature."
"Don't fuck 21-year-olds and then complain that they're immature"

Trixie heard Katya stand up and walk away. She slammed the door and the younger girl jolted, immediate tears running down her cheeks. She hated loud sounds, and cried more when she realized that this was a childish behavior. Maybe she was really too young and inexperienced for this. However Katya was her agent, and she should have prepared her for whatever could come with fame.

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