Part 15

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Your vision seemed to be blurred a bit before you rubbed them a bit. You weren't on the couch with Chara and Axel anymore but in a town. The people there seemed to be happy, you walk up to a person before trying to tap their shoulder. You hand fade through them as if you were a ghost, making them shiver and look around before going back to doing whatever they were doing before. You sigh before looking around the place before spotting a sign in a bold gold colored gates. "Dreamville '' you just look away from the bright gates to prevent any more damage to them. 

Wandering around aimlessly before seeing a perfectly split tree in the center of the village, you seemed amazed before looking around the tree. Not too far you see a few people around the tree playing, but one of them stood out the most. He was wearing a light blue dress shirt along with a darker shade of light blue dress pants, a golden colored belt with 'DM' engraved on it. He wore a cape that had a symbol of a sun on the back, along with a golden crown with a small swirl on front of it. He seemed to be the one that is usually on the more golden colored side, and more cheerful and lively. You just watched from the distance sitting down on the shade that wasn't as lively before looking at the other side of where they were playing. 

Suddenly hearing shouts from the other side of the tree, you get up before seeing another skeleton identical to the other you just saw, but this one seemed to be matched with dark violet colored clothing with golden highlights on his clothes. The other people seemed to be beating him up and hurting the poor guy making your blood boil. Without thinking you pushed one of them causing him trouble a bit before looking around but didn't see anything. 

You giggle making yourself a little more noticeable. "Where are you! Show yourself pussy!" you laughed even more before suddenly stopping. "You should watch what you're talking to. Who knows what I could bring. Leave." They seemed to get more scared before looking around before their eyes landed on the guy on the ground who was curled on the base of the roots of the tree. "You. This is your scheme isn't it!" he grabbed a rock and started to throw them at him. You quickly run before putting your hands up protecting him. You hear a thud of some rocks hit something before stopping. 

You open your eyes a bit before giving a single cold glare at the kid who was throwing the rocks. There in front of you and the guy who was curled on the roots was a rainbow colored shield. They step back before saying retreat that it wasn't worth it. You fall to one of your knees as the guy you protected moves to your side. "I knew that was bad idea to use magic when you never used it before.." You mumble a bit. 

"Are you alright?" you simply nod before his hand starts to go through you. He steps back a bit. "You never been here have you?" you nod once again, getting a hum. "You're visiting through dreams. But how?" You just shrug, not really understanding yourself. "(Y/N). yours?" he seemed to be confused before releasing that it's your name before mumbling his. 

You simply smile before laying on the ground next to him. "Nice name." he looked away embarrassed before turning to look at You once again. "I never really seen a human with magic before... It's usually really rare to find one now a days." You smile before looking at him. "I believe it runs down my family to the very first ancestors with magic. My brothers usually used it except for me and my younger brother. But I know a few things about it. Example the shield." He simply nods before looking over to where the children are playing. 

"So your the one that's misunderstood, and believe the skeleton in gold is the opposite." Nightmare looked at you for a second before slowly nodding, you listened to his rant about everyone around including the skeleton in gold, which is now named dreamed. "And that's about it really. Nothing to bad just.." He didn't even try to finish, before you got up and gently hugged him even if you just fazed a bit through him. 

His smile dropped before hiding his face as he cried. You just held onto him mumbling some comforting words towards him. His crying quickly died down before looking at you mumbling a quick sorry. You smiled softly before patting his shoulder, before you got up. "My times almost up." You look at Nightmare before turning away. "Stay safe out there." you nod before pulling him up to stand and giving him one last hug. 

"Same goes to you, Nightmare. Just hold on for me will you" He nods before letting go of the hug. "Until we meet again." You smiled brightly at him, making him smile again. "Brother?" Nightmare just turns to Dream before smiling a bit. "Sorry, I just felt a different aura around here" Nightmare looked back at the place where you faded away. "Nothing happened, just a dream spirit got lost a needed a bit of help back to their place of the dreams-cape."

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