Part 31

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'Entry number 7453

Chara and I have been leaning on eachothers shoulders while we walked through the underground. No one knows my past here in this timeline, seems like Ink or Error saw a 'error' in the code or piece of it missing and decided to erase it. I'll keep checking if it changes every once in a while. Chara and I are about to meet the king and free the monsters, and I'll make sure of it. 

I'm ready to face Flowly, its not like I haven't faced other flowys. It's just this ones my flowy. I'll have to tell the others about the balance eventually and face the next and last step to making sure of everything turns out okay. I'll try to contact Ink once We free the monsters, if not sooner. I'm still a bit scared to face my destiny, but with the more I stay and look around who I want to protect it makes me accept more and more of it. It's apart of me that i'll be able to accept soon I hope. 

Though there's this one presence that seems to follow me around, it fells familiar. Hopefully it wont complicate things along the road. Finn seems to be more at ease along with Gaster. I haven't talked to Geno in a while aswell. I think its about me being a few AU's away form were I was in the Anti-Void. I looked into it and It seems like I could bring Gaster back form the dead, I talked to Sans and Alphys about it. Sans seemed off about it before eventually agreeing with some convincing from me. 

Seems like he'll be happier here than living inside my mind and void. Seems like we'll be bringing him back after meeting the King and befriending him. I'll live. Finn started to open up more to me aswell. They are a ghost that seemed to seek a way to bring their beloved best friend to a more happier afterlife than a ending where hear soul is torn apart through other universe. Seems like I already have one piece with me. 

The necklace that my mother gave me. The 'rock' I seemed to believe it was was actually ¼ of Toxic's soul. Logic doesn't seem to affect my life anymore. My life has been getting better now. My backs been growing more and more painful as the day go by. Finn says it's the wings that are starting to grow form my back. I wonder what color I'll get. Finn says that depending on the color and size of them it'll show my 'status' around other people with wings. 

Pure white being the most common for others. Usually people who have white wings have other colors on them like brown. The class goes form least to greatest. White, brown, green, pink, purple, red, orange, yellow, gold, blue, and then there's black. I'm kinda curious of what I'll get. Finn said It'll probably be color like red or orange, since i'm getting it from them. T

hey tell me stories of how they used to fly around in the sky, how they felt the breeze on their solid black wings. Finn also said people often confuse that solid black wings were a sign that they were a or part demon. But who knows what's in the future but hopefully I'll face it with the people I care about. Gotta go Chara's calling my name, seems like they started heading towards the king already. Goodbye for now my fellow self.'

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