Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

      Throughout the night he tossed, unable to push the man from his mind. No, it wasn't just any person, he knew the name even though he couldn't recall it in this second after the adrenaline had worn off. He knew it was older, one he hadn't ever heard except from old textbooks and children stories, written about in that fancy way and often boarding the line of a ruler or some type of hero. 

       Looking over to the desk, wood gleaming despite the lack of light with the moon drowned out among the sea leaving nothing but the vast waste of nothing in its wake, having long since decided to exit the other's room in favour of not waking him while he paced in thought. The room was much less even that, denying to call it a bedroom unless a storage closet was of such that taste, the only difference being someone had managed to slam a window into the wall to allow for some air circulation. The intrusive thoughts to raid the others desk made him squirm, would he even find anything on him, or was this some superficial excuse to raid the other's private property? Even though there was a possibility that there would be nothing more than duplicates of contracts between various cities. Hand already outstretched to the drawer handle, his fingertips brushed against the icy metal, he quickly withdrew his hand away, the flame in his left being silenced seconds later.

      Gathering the air in his lungs he let out a deep drawling sigh, a slight tinge of annoyance understanding he couldn't make it known that he was curious, all the while rejecting the idea of shifting through another individuals paperwork. Damn him for having morals. It was better to forget he decided, although the decision was half-hearted craving to remember who had encountered him then almost managed to have him in his hands. Their meeting hadn't exactly been pleasant, thrilling in all the wrong ways he could admit to that, his wrists left purple and blue bruises created by the other's grip, his mind wandering on the notion of how it had been obtained or structured. Finding his mind wondering upon the very thought, how many men had he restrained in order to develop such a hold? Among many other theories on how it had become so well acquired based on how Alfred didn't often bruise easily, each becoming more gruesome than the last, pushing them off to the side to keep himself at ease. 

       Alfred knew that a life at sea wasn't easy, Antonio refused to express it but anytime an unfamiliar ship reared close to which he would be sent onto high alert until able to identify it, while in those few second there would be a shake in his hands waiting to grasp onto his pistol, shoulders growing tense with a straightened posture; prepared for what may come in any second, fear drizzling in. Had that been it, had he stared at him for far too long, forcing the other's adrenaline to spike with the fear that he was being spied upon?

       He leaned onto the nearest wall, heart slamming as his hand attempted to keep it in place, convinced it was bound to jump out, a slight heat creeping in his cheeks as he recalled the soft hands on his own, he was falling over someone he hadn't even met formally, and for all he knew the dude was straight. But that didn't make any sense, why would he offer the chance to sleep with him if he wasn't even slightly attracted to men, unless it was all a ploy to lure him in if he had been stupid enough to take up the offer. Which in any other case, he may have been, but with other's lives on the line if he took one miscalculated step more there was no chance he would screw up that horribly.

      "Why is this so confusing?" Voice kept at a low, even as his teeth grit, the day winding and replying his mind, rather irritated with how easily the other had managed to get into his mind. Who was permitted to look so damn attractive, what type of genetic lottery did one have to win in order for that to happen?

      As he sunk to the floor he once more found himself weighing the man's offer, perhaps it had been more of a proposal when he thought over it once more. Weren't they the same thing though, depending on where and when they were used, and he had been given a choice to an extent. What if he had accepted? Well, the answer was easy, he probably would be dead, or his mark discovered, which would land him to either be sold off, or held for ransom. Those were the plain logistics of it, it wasn't rocket science. He had been told, more warned in reality, what could happen if he handed his trust to the wrong people, what they would do with a future King and how being from the most powerful Kingdom would only sweeten the deal. Although, if the man had left carnage in every path he came through, then why had he allowed Alfred to live? Antonio's presence couldn't have been the determining factour, and even then the blonde seemed to have a much higher position over the two combined. Any rational person would have attempted to fight back much more than Alfred had attempted, even though there was a clear weapon located upon the other's hip it had never been considered, and between the coldest days of winter and the man, he knew in the end he would rather plunge himself into a never-ending sea of ice that be held in that alley way once more.

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