Chapter 2

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Author speaking here but every chapter will either be with katsuki or dabi's pov there might be a few changes but they are the major ones and i will tell you when i change it. Kay love you  bye and back to the story.  

                                                                                  KATSUKI POV 

"You better break up with him or I swear to the gods I will kill him and then you." A monster I'm supposed to call father snarls in my face 

"But." I try 

"No!" He screams "I will not have a faggot for a son. Whats worse is when you become number one hero what will people think then, huh? Do you know how badly that will reflect back on me? People will think I raised a gay for a son. So just agree to the deal and be done." 

"Okay." I agree silently knowing if I don't the drunk bastard will beat me and my mother. 

"What was that boy I couldn't ,"  

"ALRIGHT!" I scream "I'll do it. Just first get the fuck out. I'll text you when its done." 

The deal was that he promised not to hurt anyone and to take his problems elsewhere as long as I didn't date any boys. I knew i could do this but, it would hurt. A lot. 

"Good" he sneers "I'll be off to the bar and help clean up your mother before you leave."

As soon as he leaves I rush over to my mother who, is lying in a small pool of her own blood. Thankfully she and the baby are alright. 

"Mama?" I croak. 

"My baby I'm so so sorry." She cries " I couldn't protect you and now you're doing this for me. I' so sorry." 

"Its okay mama, I know how much you need dad for the baby. I want to do this and anyways it was never going to work between me and Dabi. He's a... " I stop my rambling.

"A villian?" She asks.  


"And you love him?" 

The blush on my cheecks is all the answer she needs. 

"Oh enough of this mama, lets get you cleaned up so I can leave." 

After cleaning her up, I head out to go talk to Dabi. Oh gods I don't know if I can do this. No, I have to for my mother and my unborn baby sister. Making up my mind I text Dabi to meet me at his family's house knowing he's going to need Fuyumi.  

He's going to suspect something is up I better get there first so I can explain to Fuyumi what's going on. As soon as I get to the front steps Fuyumi opens the door. 

"You're lucky everybodys gone today or they would have found out.. Why are you and my brother meeting here?" She questions. Since Dabi only wanted her to know about him being alive, we have manged to visit her some so she knows about our relationship.

 I give it to her plainly. "Because I need to break up with him and I need you to comfort him." 

"But why he loves you and you love him, whats the problem?" She asks 

I explain my situation with my dad, the deal, and my mother. Throughout the entire story she listens quietly and never interupts. After I finish she finally says 

"Alright I'll help you but on a few conditions. First you must give me weekly updates of every person in your family including you. Second every month I will meet up with you in person because I am your friend and that is what friends do. And finally third take care of yourself and come to me if you ever need help." 

"Thank you." I sigh I feel like crying. Its been a while since i felt this relieved. 

Soon we hear outside the rumble of a motorcycle and then the slam of the front door. 

"Hey, I'm here. Is anybody else?" Dabi shouts 

I walk out of the kitchen to meet him in the front hallway.  

"Hey."  I reply 

"So kitten two random questions before you start talking. First, how do you think I would look with my hair in its natural red and white color and in a mohawk? Second, why am I meeting you at my family's house and not my apartment?" He asks with a concerned smile.

"Dabi," I start his smile fades. "I need to leave." Shit, what kind of break up is that? 

"What? Okay, why? I'll come with you." 

"Dabi I'm breaking up with you. I need to leave you just, leave Dabi." 

"Leave Dabi, just leave. I can't, I can't right now, okay." Fuck I'm crying now and why am I telling him to leave this is his house. Get it together Katsuki. Hes moving towards me. Double fuck. I back up against the the door he stops about a yard away. 

Don't leave. Don't Leave! Tell me what I did. I I'll, I'll fix it. I promkse, just please tell me what I did." 

No he thinks its his fault, no. Shit I gotta leave or I'm gonna jump strsight back into his arms begging for forgiveness. He looks so vunerable. I need to go now. I open the the door still looking at him. 

"I'm sorry baby." I mouth before running out the door constantly looking back with tears running down my face. I sprint the rest of the way home to find my mother waiting in a chair for me. All it takes is one look before she coos 

"Oh baby c'mere, it'll be alright. Your father packed his things an hour ago." 

She hugs me while I sob into her lap. After a while I move away and head to my room. Looking around I see how small it is. There is only enough room for my bed, a desk and my bookshelf which, is full to the brim with romance manga and medical supplies. I enhale nad breathe out a big sigh. 

*Sniff* whats that smell. It smells like... 

"Dabi?" I ask hopefully. Nope just his shirt and. 

"Oh." I exclaim. There sitting on the desk is a little necklace. A pheremone necklace. These normally take about a year to make and are normally used for an omega when their mate dies. The smell from the necklace never fades. When an ahpla gives one to their omega it shows that they truely want them. I start crying again. 

About six to seven months ago when the LOV kidnapped me right before I was rescued Dabi was wat hing me when he randomly asked in all seriousness

"If you could have anything you wanted made, what would it be?" 

I had hoped to annoy or challenge him to actually do it when I said. 

"A pheremone necklace with your scent made in only half the time it normally takes."  

He smirk and was going to say something but, the heros had arrived by then. It was only a few weeks later that we started dating. 

I at my desk again to find a note underneath the necklace. I pick up both the necklace and the note and start reading  

Dear kitten, 

                             Happy birthday, I know I'm about a week early but, I was so excited to get this in that I couldn't wait for you to have this. It  is the first thing you have ever wanted from me and it has fufilled all of your requirements. So I thought you should have it now. 

                                                                        Love your Dabi 

Ps you should call be by my real name touya todoroki. 

His handwriting is so messy. I smile, while I change into boxers, his shirt, and the necklace. I climb into bed pulling the covers over my head so that all I smell was him. He smelled like leather, smoke and the woods. I sigh falling into a dreamless sleep.

Yeah, I changed but for myself. Dabibaku storyWhere stories live. Discover now