chapter 6

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authors note i want to keep writing this story and others in the same world but the chapters/parts are not going to come as quickly i am sorry.

                                                                            DABI'S POV 

The world is fuzzy but I am happy. I look down to see my mate, my kids mother, and my future, in my arms, their are crying. I don't like that . 

"Why are you crying?" I ask 

They try to answer me but I can't hear them, and I can't recognize them until its too late. Suddenly I'm pulled from the dream by loud knocking. I wake up screaming.


Panting I get up to deal with the person at the door but wait fuck I slept on the couch which means I still have the blood stained shirt on. I quickly pull it of over my head and throw to the other side of the room. I leave my jeans on because you can hardly notice the blood on them unless you were looking for it. The idiot on the other side of the door knocks again. That really pisses me off looking over at the clock it says nine thirty. who in their right mind would wake me at this time. 

I rip the door open scowling when I see no one is there. I go to take a step out of my apartment when I almost step on a donut box. Looking up again while picking up the box I see hawks at the very end of the hallway peeking around the corner looking scared. 

"I didn't want to die when I came so I brought a peace offering." he yells to me 

"Well then get you ass in here." I shout back 

He comes down the hallway and passes me into my apartment heading for the tiny kitchen, he sits on one of the stools at the island. Following him I open the donut box and smelling my favorite kind I decide to let him live another day. I take out my favorite donut which is a carmel and vanilla donut. 

"You know" he starts "for someone who eats those donuts all the time you are in great shape, i mean look at those abs how do you maintain that." 

I pause mid chew and point my finger at him. "Keigo that sounds so gay and no you don't get to be gay, you have a girlfriend last time I check and I am the only one around here who gets to be gay alright. and to answer your question I work out all the time. also what are you here for because I know you and you didn't come to hang out and comment on how hot I am." I rant 

He looks sheepish "I do still have a girlfriend for your information and I'm here to give you these." He says all of this while handing me a brown package "Its full your new identification."

"thanks." I deadpan finishing my donut going for a second one "Now why are you really here."  

he sighs "Alright you caught me, I'm hiding."

"And why at my place. Wo are you hiding from?" 

"Ah my girlfriend, she wants me to meet her family and I came here to get some advice."

I polish off my second donut and grab a third. "Fuck now I want to hear the whole story so spill and before you say anything you know these are the only donuts that I eat." 

"I wasn't going to say anything. As for what's going on is I just found out that I need to meet my girlfriend's family after the graduation and I am freaking out."


"because I already know her family personally and they don't know that I am dating her. I mean these people are super protective of her and I might die if I meet them. Oh and to make things even better I know something about her family even she doesn't but I can't tell her." He groans

"Okay so what you need to do is just meet them family say that you are dating her and that there is nothing they can do about it. And as for the family secret or whatever just do what you think is necessary " I tell him 

he glares at me "Easier said then done Touya."

"You're right but it needs to be done. I mean the longer you put it off the harder its going to be especially if you want to stay in this relationship with the girl." 

I stopped asking about his personal when I became a villian so that if i was ever captured and totured I would never know the name of people important to me or others besides keigo. Ever since I have never known the names of the girls he has dated or been friends with and to this day I still don't ask because I believe he likes to keep his life as private as possible if he can being in with the top heros can make that hard. 

"Alright I'll do it thanks. And now for a quick subject change what are you going to say at the graduation on friday?" keigo asks 

I freeze for a second before speaking slowly 

"What are you talking about?"

he looks shocked before busting out laughing "Are you serious, man. Ha you're supposed to be a guest speaker at the graduation to say some stuff about how you're not a villian and you're sorry for all the stuff you did. Ha and dude chill on the donuts."  

"The fuck" I say stuffing a donut in my mouth "okay this is fine I can come up with something I'll just go with whatever comes to mind and as for the donuts man I could kiss the person who makes these."  

"I bet really would like too." hawks mutters under his breath thinking that I didn't catch it but, I grew up I a big household and can hear a lot more than people think. 

 He stands up looking at the clock on his phone

"Shit I'm gonna be late for work I'll come back and check on you tomorrow if you don't have any plans, see ya." keigo says before walking out my apartment.  

"Oh I just remembered I totally have plans don't you remember dead shigi coming so we can a sleepover." I joke 

he scowls at me while closing my apartment door. 

Check on me tomorrow why? I think before I realize that he is literally one of the only people I talk too. he probably does this to keep me sane. Thinking back now there really isn't anyone left from the LOV. I mean shigiraki is dead, toga agreed to a prison deal where they can take away your quirk, and surprisingly when I went to break her out she refused saying she could finally live a good life with this. and as for everybody else dead or captured and most have life sentences. 

 "If you don't have any plans , ha and shigiraki's gonna knock on the door now and invite me to tea" 

suddenly there is loud knocking on my door. I grab the first thing i can throw and run to the door saying 

"Oh hell na, not today satan."

Ripping open the door I see a little kid startled to see me a half-naked, burnt man, holding a donut box over my head, ready to throw it like its a baseball. I look like an idiot. Fuck I look at the kid and he's absolutely terrified.

"D.d.d.Dabi." The kid says in terror. He is shaking and not running away maybe I can convince him not to go to the police. 

I kneel down next to him and his eyes grow even wider than before. offering him a donut I say 

"Its not Dabi anymore, want a donut?" 

Yeah, I changed but for myself. Dabibaku storyWhere stories live. Discover now