Chapter 1

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Dippers POV (Setting: Gravity Falls)
"Duck Detective! Quack Quack!" I just stared
at the tv screen enjoying my view of the underestimated detective trying to solve all the mysteries. Much like - mind cough - me - mind cough -. "Dipper look!" Mabel screamed and I got out of daydreaming and I saw a mysterious blond man and Gideon on TV. "We're coming for ya'll Pines!" Gideon said. The mysterious blond man smirked and said "Shooting Star, Pine Tree, we'll see you soon." Mabel shot a quick look at me, because the only one that calls us that us Bill, the mind demon and Gideon, HE WAS IN JAIL. Of course it didn't take a brilliant mind to figure out that Bill helped Gideon escape and somehow make the camera crew video tape them. "Mabel, I think we should go look for them before they find us." I said. Mabel still looked shocked and nodded. I grabbed my journal off the floor and lead Mabel outside.
"Where should we look first?" Mabel asked. I honestly didn't know. "Everywhere." I said under my breath, but Mabel understood me and we were off. We checked everywhere. The Laser Tag Arena, Tent Of Telepathy, Prison, even where the news cast was taken. No where. They where no where. How would they just be nowhere. "Ugh... nowhere Mabel nowhere! How?! Where? Where are they?" I kicked the dirt on the ground. "Dipper?" Mabel said. "DIPPER!" Mabel tugged on my arm and I turned around and as I did I saw a weird blue flashing coming from the Welcome To Gravity Falls Sign. "There Dipper, they're there." Mabel whispered while clutching my arm. I turned around and I kissed my sister on the forehead. I had a feeling what we were about to encounter, we might never see this town again. Mabel turned towards me and smiled, "I love you Little Dipper, best brother ever!" Then she unclenched my arm and bravely said, "Let's go Dipper!" I smiled knowing that no matter what, I loved my 'big' sister and I followed her.
As we approached the sign, Bill and Gideon were standing there. Gideon smiled and said, "Ah the most beautiful person in the world and with her the most annoying." I rolled my eyes. "What do yo want?" That's when Bill came forward and circled around me, "You see Pine Tree, me and Gideon are not able to to win against you and shooting star over there." He pointed to Mabel who was using her grappling hook on Gideon's face. I tried to hide a smile. "But I know who would be the perfect match for you and her. You might not realize it right away, but eventually you'll meet your worst enemy." Bill continued. At this point Mabel and Gideon were listening and Mabel very confused asked, "Who?" Bill turned around to her and flashed a smile and picked her up by her shirt. "Now, now Shooting Star let's not ruin the surprise!" As Mabel struggled, I screamed, "LET MY SISTER GO!" Bill shrugged and dropped Mabel to the ground and made her land on top of Gideon and I quickly ran towards her, my blood pumping. "Oh ok, I hate keeping secrets! Let me tell you who your worst nightmare is." Hesitantly Bill opened a portal and said, "You!" Quickly, I found Gideon pushing me and Mabel into the portal with the slight remark, "Bye bye ya'll see ya never!" Then everything was dizzy and it turned dark,

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