Chapter Eight: In Love?

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Connor's P.O.V.

I walked down stairs and saw Ricky sitting on the couch next to Sam. He looked pissed.

"Ricky?" I chimed.

He didn't even turn his head.

"Ricky!" I said slightly louder.

All the guys were looking from him to me. He still didn't move his head.

"Ri-" I started but was cut off by Ricky putting his head in his hands.

We all stayed silent until he started sobbing.

"Ricky? What's wrong?" Jc asked, going over to one of our best friends.

"I-I'm so fu-fucking s-stupid." He cried through his hands.

"No, you're not. What happened? Why were you drinking?" Kian rubbed his back soothingly.

"I-I messed it a-all up!" He sobbed louder.

We all looked at each other before I had an idea as to what he had thought he messed up.

"This is about Zoe, isn't it?" I asked him, causing al lithe guys to look slightly shocked.

Ricky simply nodded his head.

"Look," I sighed. "Whatever you think you did wrong, you probably didn't. She just didn't like the fact that you were drinking. She's got a bad past with that stuff."

Ricky looks up with red and puffy eyes. He sighed and started wiping his eyes. "You're probably right."

"I know I am." I chuckled before sitting down with the guys and talking about nothing for the rest of the night.


I woke up halfway on Jc and halfway off the couch. Yeah, it wasn't that fun or comfortable.

I quietly rolled off the couch, and Jc, only to end up landing on Sam. He sat up quickly and pushed me off of him before falling back asleep.

I stood up and headed upstairs to check on Zoe. She seemed a little on edge last night, with what happened with Ricky and all.

I quietly knocked on her door and waited for an answer. Almost a minute passed and nothing. I started knocking louder. Still nothing.

I felt my heart race at the possible reason that came to mind. I quickly started to knock rapidly and I jiggled the door. If this didn't wake her up then I don't know what would.

"Zoe! Open up!" I yelled on the opposite side of her door.

I took a deep breath before rushing downstairs and grabbing the spare key to her door. I noticed the guys getting up, a little startled at me as I ran back upstairs.

I didn't realize how bad I was shaking until I attempted to put the key in the lock. I tried turning but it didn't work. I took the key out and realized I grabbed the wrong one. Fuck.

I ran downstairs, grabbed the right key, and hurried up, ignoring questions from the boys. They all followed me up the stairs.

I shoved the key into the lock and turned. After hearing a silent click, I pushed the door open. Only to find an empty room.

"Oh my god." I said quietly under my breath as I looked at her bathroom door and saw it shut. I ran over and tried opening it. Nothing.

"Connor, what's going on?" Trevor asked walking into the room, followed by the others.

I ignored them and tried calling Zoe. Maybe she would answer her phone and call back. She could just be using the bathroom. And she takes her phone everywhere so she would obviously-

My thoughts were cut off by q phone ringing to my right. I looked over and saw Zoe's phone on her bed.

If my heart wasn't racing fast a few seconds ago, it sure as hell is now.

I dropped my phone and started banging on the door to Zoe's bathroom. There was no answer.

I backed up before running into the door in attempt to knock it down. By this time I'm sure the guys were aware of what was happening.

I kept backing up and hitting the door over and over again but nothing was happening. As I was about to do it again, someone stopped me.

"Connor!" Jc came up and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me around.

"What?" I practically yelled Im his face.

"Dude, calm down. She's fine! I-" Jc started before a door in the hallway caught our attentions.

We all headed to the door and I saw Zoe standing by Jc's open door, obviously just coming out of it.

"What's happening?" She asked, her voice sounding slightly stirred. Oh my god she was drunk.

"Zoe? What the hell happened? Why weren't you in your room? God didn't you hear me banging on your door? Why didn't you come out sooner?" I hugged her tightly as I waited for answers.

"Can I explain later?" She asked quietly to me.

I sighed and nodded my head before she entered her room swiftly. I turned and looked at Jc before realizing what was happening.

"You little shit." I said through gritted teeth before pushing Jc into the wall.

"Dude calm down we didn't do anything!" He shot his hands in defeat as I shoved my hands on his shoulders.

"Connor, come on." Ricky pulled me off before pushing me into my room. He entered behind me and shut the door.

"Zoe asked not to say anything but she was stressed. Okay she was feeling upset and she needed something and we were not going to let her cut so we gave her some wine. It's fine."

"It's not fine you idiot! Did she not mention anything that she's had done to her while she was drinking!? Or anything even someone has done while they were drinking!" I yelled angrily in his face.

"No? If we would've known we wouldn't have done it! What happened?" He asked confused and a little bit guilty.

I backed up and sighed before sitting on my bed and looking at the floor. I felt him sit next to me, waiting for an answer. I closed my eyes before answering.

"Last time she drank, she ended up wandering into the wrong part of some fuck boy neighborhood." I sighed deeply before putting my head in my hands.

"Wait... Connor was she?" He wished eagerly for a response.

"Yeah," I lifted my head up while keeping my eyes on the wall in front of me. "She was raped."

(A/N: okay this chapter really sucks super bad okay I'm sorry but I literally couldn't think of anything and I wrote what popped into my brain so I apologize for... Everything. Hah Lolzor thanks if you actually read this😂. And I update twice in a row wow👏 I've been meaning to update but I'm stupid and forgot ha)

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