Chapter 1

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The night sky, my best friend. If it wasn't for her, I would never have the privilege to do what I am now.

I stood in the dark alleyway, brushing wrinkles from my disguise. A hair tie held my brown waves into a loose bun, covered by a navy blue cloak that hung low over my forehead and masked my cobalt-colored eyes. I was dressed in modest fashion, one that was sure to attract no one's attention. To any of the busy shoppers lining the streets of the night, batting me an eye wouldn't be worth the trouble.

I was completely unmemorable in every way possible, and that's exactly how I wanted it.

I pulled my maroon leather bag onto my shoulder, it resting against my side. The bustling night market of Midora was calling my name and who would I be to ignore her invitation? I set off from the shadows, a small smile resting on my face as I entered the crowd. I didn't plan on staying long today. I've been out every night for the past week, but there was something I needed to do.

The only item I came for was the best pastry in all of the kingdom, made from no one other than Rosemary Bardot. Not even the royal chefs could compare to her famous apple turnovers. Every Saturday she would sell them at the day market and within 30 minutes she would be gone, but she always saved me one.

A line of people wrapped around her booth, their eager faces dying to get a hand on her food. At the register was one of Rosemary's new interns, a blonde boy with a soft jaw, who looked like he would cry if one more person asked him for something they were out of.

"Ooh- Eliana!" Just as I was about to take my place in the line someone called my name from behind me. I turned around, I would recognize that voice from anywhere.

My eyes landed on Rosemary who was squeezing her way through the crowd, a bundle of groceries in her arms. She was short and squat with voluminous black curls that bobbed at her neck. Rosemary stood out from most people in Midora, she was an eccentric to say the least. Emerald green, red and gold were the main colors in her wardrobe. In her words, people in Midora "lacked creativity and lived in undecorated, depressed outfits and homes".

Two years ago, Rosemary found out who I was, not for my lack of trying. For close to 3 months I had ventured from the castle just to get hand on her treats. I had kept my head low, didn't draw too much attention to myself, and never wore the same outfit twice, but she still realized I had became a regular. One day, she invited me inside without any warning. I had almost ran away, but I didn't want to cause a scene.

While inside she served me tea and brought me a scone, all while making small awkward conversation. Then all of the sudden she asked, "So. How's life inside the castle?" I spit my tea out all over her carpet. Trust me, I tried to act like she was crazy, but there was no turning back, she knew who I was. And ever since she's acted as a desperately needed maternal figure in my life.

I met her half way. "Would you mind holding one of these, dear?" Rosemary placed a brown paper bag into my arms, not even waiting for my response. "Thank you. I've been getting so old these days that carrying all these ingredients throws my back out."

"Old?" I laughed, following her into her shop behind the booth. "You don't look a day over twenty."

"I would think you were being sweet, but I know your tricks." She raised an eyebrow at me, a playful grin showing off her crooked smile. "You're just trying to butter me up so I'll give you more of my turn overs."

"Was it really that obvious?" I followed her inside the bakery, flipping on the light as we made our way into the kitchen.

"Hon," She deadpanned, "It's always obvious."

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