Chapter 4

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"Eliana!" My peaceful sleep was threatened by a bright flash of light as Lottie, my handmaid, threw the drapes wide. "It's time to wake up!"

I folded my pillow over my head, hoping to drown out the unwelcome sound of her voice. "Can't I have just five more minutes?"

Last night I had gotten home close to midnight. I had remembered Rosemary's warning about the guards patrolling the night market, and with doubling my level of caution, I also doubled the amount of time the trip home took. Even after getting home I couldn't find the will to sleep, the events of the night rattling inside my mind.

I didn't fully comprehend what happened until I had a moment to myself. What those men had said about me... The "fun" they suggested was the exact opposite of the word. It made my blood boil. If Griffon wasn't there to help me, I don't think I would be here right now, instead lying cold on the damp asphalt of the alleyway.

Granted, if he hadn't stolen my bracelet then neither of us would've been in that situation in the first place.

Griffon knew those men. When his mother was talking about him during dinner it seemed he had a bright future ahead of him despite some setbacks. How on Earth could he have gotten caught up with people like that? And who was this Ronan character that those men referred to as 'boss'?

I know I should want to forget about this entire ordeal, that I should lock it away in the back of my mind, but I wanted to know more. My life had became so dreadfully monotonous that this small speck of drama sparked a fire of curiosity inside me.

"Miss," I reluctantly opened my eyes. Lottie was standing next to my bed, hands clasped in front of her. "I already gave you an extra five minutes. Your father and mother have requested you down in the dining hall as soon as you've readied yourself."

My eyebrows wrinkled as I sat up, "They're still here? Usually they've left before I wake up."

"Yes, they are." Lottie smiled, making her way to my closet and pulling a sage green dress from the rack. "They asked that you head down there as quickly as you can. There has supposedly been some very important news brought about."

"News?" I swung my feet from the bed to stand, stretching my arms over my head with a great yawn. "What kind of news?"

"Do you like this one?" She held up the dress in her hands, changing the subject. "Personally, I think this color looks lovely on you. It compliments your eyes."

"Yes, the dress is fine. But what did my parents want to tell me?"

Surprises had never been my thing. I didn't like not knowing what would happen. My mother would call me a snoop, but in my opinion I was simply curious. And what was so wrong with that?

"You best get changed fast!" Lottie scurried over to the door with a suppressed laugh, "You know how you're parents are about punctuality!"

I was going to call out her name, but she had already disappeared down the hallway. Why am I never told anything? Patience hasn't and most likely never will be a quality of mine. These secret-keeping habits have been getting on my nerves. I turn eighteen in a month, I don't deserve to have things hidden from me. Even if it is just the smallest of secrets.

I did as she said, dressing quickly and doing my make-up. My hair laid in smooth curls framing my face, the blush on my cheeks giving me the warm glow that, in my mother's words, princesses should strive to have. I looked proper and neat, everything that society wanted to see.

I smoothed my dress as I hurried to the dining hall, heels clicking against the wood floor and my hand twitching with impatience. Lottie seemed somewhat giddy this morning. I wonder if the surprise is something good? However, when my parents call me to have conversations with them out of the blue, it never is.

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