Chapter 3

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Dabi's POV: (still flashback)

I didn't know what's gotten into me but I wanted to see all of them dead, or rather a pile of ash. I never cared about some idiot thugs before. They didn't worth my time, but somehow... now I wanted to see them suffer and die. My palms are itching to ignite them with my flames and kill them, hear their agonizing screams and idiot cries that they are sorry.

Tch... They are rotten. They are just worsening the world with their shitty actions. They don't deserve to live...

And deep inside I wanted to save that fierce little lady. But of course I would never admit it out aloud. And she doesn't have to know that either...

"Are you deaf? Go the fuck away idiot!" The thugs' boss repeated and his underlings let go of the girl, then slowly approached me with knives in their hands.

How pathetic...

I had to laugh at them, because they had no idea who is standing in front of them. If they watched tv or read newspapers, then they would have known that their actions against me was a big mistake.

"What's so funny? You are just digging your own grave with your boastful behaviour." One of the guys ran at me, trying to stab me but of course I was faster and he missed.

The other one tried the same thing and I caught his wrist firmly, twisting it and the knife from his hand fell out onto the ground. I stepped on it, so he wouldn't have the chance to pick it up.

"Me? Digging my own grave? Speak to yourselves assholes." A wicked grin grew over my face. The mere thought of hearing them crying out in pain when they are going to burn makes me feel intoxicated.

I sent a wave of flames towards the two underlings without a second thought. It didn't take long for them to burn into ash.

Using the opportunity that their leader was caught off guard too, the woman kicked his balls and ran away from him behind me.

"Fucking bitch!" He yelled, kneeling down on rhe ground while he was holding onto his crotch.

I walked up to him and kicked him over his back, then stomped on his chest with my boots.

"No please! Don't kill me! I didn't want to do anything to that woman I swear!" He panicked, fear evident in his eyes.

I grinned at him sinisterly and he squirmed. I let go of him and he wanted to run away. To his bad luck, I didn't let him do that of course. I ignited his whole being too and soon he fell down dead. His body was still engulfed in my flames.

"Pathetic little shits..." I muttered to myself and turned around to walk away, leaving the corpses behind me. I can already hear sirens in the distance. Probably someone nearby called for the authorities.

A hand holding onto my arm however stopped me. "Wait!"

"Huh?" I turned to my side and I was welcomed with the girl who I saved from these thugs I just killed. "The police is on their way, if I stay here I have to kill them too. Besides, I left my motorbike on the sidewalk too."

I started walking again, but she was clutching onto my new coat so I couldn't move an inch. "What do you want?" I asked her.

"I... I just want to... Why did you save me?" Her eyes. The way she was looking at me... It had a strange effect on me.

I sighed before answering her. "Just wanted to kill those idiots. They've been bugging me for some time now..."

That's a believeable lie, isn't it?

"Thank you!" She said.

The woman didn't say anything else just let me go on my way. And I suppose she went on her own as well.

When I was your man - Reader x Dabi +18 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now