Chapter 13

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Dabi's POV:

I threw a huge bag of cash on the counter in front of Shigaraki, destroying his card castle he was working on earlier. "Mission done." I said in a bored tone and turned on my heels to go away from the bar and finally search for (y/n). This shitty mission took us a long while, it's already the next day.

Compress and Spinner entered the bar as well. "Shigaraki you better be paying us some extra, we almost got killed!" Spinner demanded.

"I didn't give exact orders where you should do your mission. Blame Dabi for that and ask money from him." Shigaraki replied, collecting the cards from the ground and the counter.

I was already at the door, ready to go out. "Dabi."

"Sorry boss but I'm done here for today. I got what you wanted so I'm leaving. I'm not in the mood for your bullshit." I said and left the hideout, not letting him to answer.

I didn't care about anything else but (y/n) at the moment. But first I will have to go home.

With a cigarette hanging between my lips I leant back on the brick wall next to my bike, looking at nothing in particular. My thoughts wandered somewhere else other than anything that's happening with the league or myself. Whenever I closed my eyes I saw (y/n).

Why the fuck do I see her everywhere I go? Shit (y/n)... You are the first person ever who was able to pull feelings out of me which I thought were already dead inside of me.

I pulled the cigarette away from my lips, exhaling the smoke that was in my lungs until now and threw the stub down on the ground, then hopped on my bike to leave.


The first thing I did when I got home was to search for any traces of (y/n). To my dismay her shoes were there, kicked off at the entrance. I hurriedly took off my own boots and looked around my apartment to see if she really came back. And there she was. In my room.

"Ah, Dabi!" Hearing my footsteps she abruptly stood up and turned to me with the sweetest smile plastered on her face.


"Today's a carnival at the outskirts of the town. Only today! Can we go there? Please!" She pleaded, acting as if nothing have happened. As if she didn't leave suddenly and left me alone.

Perhaps later I could talk about it with her, so I just went with the flow. "Sure... But why you wanna go there?"

She walked up to me, poking my cheek with her finger. "Because it's fun!" She said and I snapped her finger away from my face. I hated it when someone did that.

I sighed. "You're unpredictable." I said and grabbed clean clothes from my closet.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm taking a shower, then we can go to that stupid carnival." I told her, already heading for the bathroom.

"Yay! So you agree? Thank you thank you thank you!" I shook my head at her silliness. She always managed to surprise me with new sides of her. But of course I didn't mind, because she was unique, she wasn't like any other girl I met before.


I wore something casual, hiding most of my face with a hoodie and a sunglass so people won't recognise me easily. My scars didn't look like something that everyone had.

We went to that idiot carnival with a cab. (Y/n) said she wanna drink and who am I to refuse drinks? Which means, I wouldn't be able to drive back with my bike, unless I wanted to crash with it.

The place was full of people, families, couples, teen groups etc. I never attended to these type of events.

It looked so lame to me, but as I looked over (y/n)'s happy face it was worth it. She was smiling ear to ear, looking around in awe. The lights around us shone down on her, making her look like an angel.

When I was your man - Reader x Dabi +18 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now