Chapter 12

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Dabi's POV: (still flashback~)

She didn't protest at all. Didn't protest against my touches, the way I roamed my hands all over her body and the way I madly kissed her. It was obvious she wanted this as much as me. And she's so desperate that makes me wonder for how long did she hold back as well? Was she afraid too like me? Perhaps she didn't want to cross these boundaries because she was afraid of rejection too.

But how wrong she was. Until now I didn't know either how much I wanted her. Well of course, deep down in my mind I knew that, but I didn't want to admit it. I kept denying it. It's very unusual for me to have these type of feelings and not be only lead by desire and lust as I always been. Because I used to simply fuck those bitches I brought home and kicked them out once I didn't need them anymore.

Some of them were heartbroken, begging to don't be kicked out or yelled at me that I simply used them. That was what I was doing with them. Nothing more. No feelings at all. Well my act towards them when I talked with them were very convincing, they were full of fake promises which they fell for. However there were times I didn't have to do anything at all. Sometimes those girls came by themselves and had no feelings either.

But (y/n)...

I did the exact same thing as in the past when (y/n) came to my house to ask me if she could stay for a day or two. It turned out to be much more days, even weeks, but I didn't mind. Having her around was calming, even when she was throwing ridiciluous tantrums of small things. Thinking back at those little nothings just makes me smile now. It warms my heart.

What warms me more now is her closeness. Her skin is burning from my touch. Those sweet sounds she made were the most beautiful melodies I ever heard. She was so gorgeous. That reddened face, those half lidded eyes which held all of her desires with her long lashes shadowing those red cheeks. Her hair falling back as she laid under me. Her chest rising up and down quickly, gasping for air as she became more and more excited.

Pulling my head back from our kiss I looked down at her. She pulled her hands away from around my neck to hide her body from my sight. She was embarassed. How could she be like that? Only a bra and panties hid her away from my sight.

I smirked, grabbing her wrists and pinning them next to her head. "Tsk. Hiding such a beauty from my eyes..."


"Shut up." I growled and went for her neck, kissing and nibbling her flesh. Again those sounds. "Are you this sensitive here?" I chuckled over her skin. "Or is it because of my breath that lands on your skin and your ear? What if I just growl while I sink my teeth in your neck. Like this..."

I bit down on her neck, sucking her skin to leave a dark hickey, growling lowly. She was squirming under me, wrapping her arms around my neck again and digging her nails deep in my back. I barely did anything and she's holding onto me for dear life while she's letting out those lustful moans as I grabbed her wrists again, holding them now tighter beside her head and letting my teeth and mouth do their job.

Meanwhile I moved up my knee over her cunt, earning even more beautiful moans. Using her feet to lift herself up she brushed her cunt over my thigh to feel some more friction.

I kissed her jaw, slowly moving back to her lips to take her breath away. I let go of one of her wrists and cupped her soft breast, squeezing it through her bra to tease her.

"You like that, don't you?" I chuckled.

Out of the blue she pushed me away and I kneeled back on the sofa while she grabbed her clothes to dress back up but since the dress I got her was torn, she grabbed a random top and jeans walking to my room quickly not even facing me an I was dumbfounded by her actions. Of course I had to follow her because all of this didn't make any sense to me.

When I was your man - Reader x Dabi +18 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now