Chapter 26

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Dabi's POV:

"Did you think you will get rid of boss and your debt if Daiki dies?" The imposter sinisterly grinned at (y/n).

She stared back at him with guilt evident on her face. She really knew of this but she didn't tell a word about it. If I knew, I wouldn't have let her out alone on the streets, but she fucking shut up.

But the lecture comes later... I have to take care of this idiot first.

"Oh fuck off you dipshit!" She spat back at him, taking a huge knife out of one of her pockets or from god knows where, charging straight at the guy. I wanted to stop her but to my dismay she was quicker than I thought. She jumped up, cut his neck and pierced the knife's sharp blade into his heart the next moment, now squatting on top of the guy with blood coating her otherwise flawless skin and clothes.

I stood rooted to the ground because I have never seen this side of her before. I had no idea she could be so ruthless or murderous. It was pretty surprising to see her kill someone without a second thought. Usually it would be me, and it wouldn't be surprising at all, but from her... It was beyond astonishing.

The guy coughed up blood but it was obvious that he was already dead. The glint in his eyes faded and he wasn't moving at all, laying limp on the ground in this dark alley. The only source of light came from the main street. It was barely enough to let us see in front of our feet, but when (y/n) tured over her shoulder to face me, I clearly saw her blood stained face, droplets of blood trickling down her skin. Horrifying would be the right word for it.

She stood up on her feet to face me and as if nothing have happened, she smiled. "Shall we go home?"

I blinked a few times, shaking my head a little. "Woah. Uhh, yeah. But get rid of the blood first. You won't sit up on my bike like that." I told her, pointing right at her.

"Fucker..." She muttered while pouting her cheeks. "Sometimes I believe you love your motorbike more than me."

"Well, maybe I do." I averted my gaze and she lightly punched my chest.

"Oh fuck you, Dabi!"

I laughed and told her to stay here, going to get a bottle of water from a nearby shop for her and once I arrived back I gave it to her, so she could clean her face and hands with it. "Take off those bloody clothes too." I ordered.


"Just as I said. Undress, baby~" I smirked smugly at her whilst I took off my coat, holding it in my hands.

"Tsk. Jerk." She muttered and undressed, leaving herself only in her underwear.

"Hurry, babe. Hurry." I chuckled.

"You are enjoying this a lot, aren't you?" She rolled her eyes.

"Of course I do. Put this on. Wouldn't want anyone else to see that body other than me." I handed my coat to her and she put it on. It loosely hugged her small body. It was more than large and enough to hide herself underneath it.


Later, after we went back home, we both took a shower then went out once again.

"I swear if I drop off this fucking bike because of you I will cut your dick!" She always said that before we drove off.

"Just hold on to me as always, kay?" I said and started the engine. She wrapped her arms around my torso, clutching onto my clothes with her small hands. In the first few minutes she was always desperately holding onto me, but then she felt less afraid and laughed a lot during the ride.

When I was your man - Reader x Dabi +18 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now