Chapter 4

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"Louis! Don't tell Liam!"



"Jodie what is going on!?"


"Jodie! You just threw up blood! That is not nothing!"

"Shhh! don't! yell! It's not anything new!"

"This has happens before!? When!? We have to get you to a doctor! What if.........."

"Louis!" I cut him off. "I was already at the hospital! Remember where you met me!?"

"You lied to us!? You lied to Liam!"

"Lou I just couldn't hurt him!"

"I don't even know what to say to you!"

"Lou when I was there they told me that they couldn't help me! Why make you guys worry when there is nothing that can be done!?"

He was silent just staring at me.

"Please don't tell the others."

"Jodie, you lied! Do you even know what is wrong with you?"

"It's cancer but I don't know what kind."

"How long were you in the hospital?"

" few years....."

"How many years?"

"A fewww......."


"5." I whispered feeling ashamed. I figured he would yell but instead he hugged me.

"Fine! I wont tel them, But if you don't get better. Then you have to tell them or I will!"

"Thank you Lou!" I squeaked him tighter.

"Yeah, yeah! Now let's clean you up!"

Liam's POV

What was taking Louis and Jodie so long?

"I'm ganna check on them." I jumped up and worked my way down the hall.

"Hey what's takin........" Lou jumped on me covering my eyes and pushing my out into the hall.

"What the hell Lou!?"

" just love you man." Lie.

"Lou seriously! Where is Jodie?" I tried looking past him and into the room.

"She's um......freshening up! She will be out momentarily!"

"Lou!" I warned walking back down the hall.

"So....." Zayn pulled out.

"So what?"

"Where are they?" Niall asked.

"In the bathroom.......said she was freshening up.........Lou wouldn't let me see her.......weird huh?"

"Yeah......weird......." Harry didn't look like he believed she was freshening up.

"Liam I think something is wrong with Jodie."


"No! Like medically! She awesome! I meant medically."

"Oh.......what makes you say that?"

"Well did you see how fast she got up and ran to the bathroom?"

"Yeah so?"

"She didn't even say where she was going."

He was pissing me off.

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