Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

"No sex while we're here!" I teased.

"Harry shut up! We. Are. Just. Friends!" She yelled back at me.

"That's not what Liam wants." I said just quiet enough she couldn't hear me.

Zayn slapped me. "What was that for!?"

"Leave Liam alone! She doesn't know that, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want her to!" Why was he upset?

"It's not like she heard me. Leave ME alone!" I stood up walking towards the hall.

"Where are you goen?" Niall asked curiously.

"To get them, duh!" I pranced down the hall poking my head in. They were sitting on the end of the bed, both looking a bit sad.

"You guys coming back out?"

She let out a sigh. "Um....yeah."

She slowly stood up and trudged out.

I look back at Liam, he looked....sad?

"Did I interrupt something?" He looked up at me from where he was sitting on the bed.

It was around 5 minutes before he finally replied. ", you didn't." He ruffled his hair. I sat down next to him on the bed and placed my hand on his knee.

"Hey," he looked up. He was crying! "It's ok, everything's ok." I wrapped my arms around him and let him cry.


Jodie's POV

Around 30 minutes later Harry walked out.

"Where's Liam?" Niall asked.

Just then a puffy eyed Liam walked out.

The room was dead silent. We all looked at Liam. No one moved but him.

My eyes darted to Harry in question. He just shrugged. His curls bouncing up and down in the process.

My eyes flickered back over to Liam. He rubbed his nose and plopped down on the chair at the end of the couch.

Zayn reached over and placed his hand on Liam's knee. "You all right mate?"

He sniffled and mumbled, "Yeah...." He looked down at his his hands which were on his lap. "Can we not talk about it?"

We all nodded our heads as Louis jumped up. "Let's watch a movie then, yeah?"

"Ok!" I popped up out of my seat. "I'll make popcorn!"

"I'll come with you!" Niall jumped up, raising his hand.

"Fine, but you have to wait to eat it!" I pointed my finger at him.

"Ok, ok!" We skipped off into the kitchen. I mean literally! We linked arms and skipped!

I let go of his arm and walked over to the cupboard. I started taking out the microwaveable bag and opening it. I had just opened the door to the microwave when he asked, "Why were you throwing up earlier?"

I paused, dead in my tracks. What did he just ask!? How did HE know I threw up!? "W-what are you talking about?" I stuttered.

"You know, why were you?" I spun around on my heels. Furrowing my brow, I scolded him.

"I don't think that is any of your business!" I turned back around and continued pushing the numbers into the microwave. A large hand yanked on my arm, turning me around.

"I think it very much is! Why should Louis know and not the rest I us!?"

"I wasn't planning on telling Louis! He just walked in! It's not like I just walk around, picking random people to tell!

It's not like I went up to Louis and said 'Hey Lou! I have cancer! Ain't that cool!? Hope I ruined your day!' No! No I didn't! Cause you know what? It sucks! It's not something I really want other people to worry about, I already have to enough. And I'm sorry if it was something that I should have told you lads, but you know what? I don't want everyone to feel bad for me!" He was shocked. His eyes were wide. I wiped my wet cheek, I didn't even know I was crying.

The timer beeped, I turned around and pulled out the hot bag. I opened it and pored it into a bowl. I turned to walk out when I heard him whisper, "y-you have cancer?"

I spun around once more. "Yes niall, please, PLEASE, don't tell anyone else." He nodded and we left the kitchen.

The living room was dark and the movie was just starting. I walked over to Liam and squished into the chair next to him. He put his arm around my shoulder. I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed. This is what I loved.


The movie we watched sucked!

"Well that movie blowed!" Harry said.

We all agreed. I was something along the lines of, this guy likes this girl but she was way out of his league, so he changed everything about himself and then he banged her, then he realized she wasn't that great so he left her and became nerdy again. So all in all I won't be watching it ever again!

I looked over at the other boys. It was late. Around 11 'o clock. Liam was asleep on my shoulder. He had fallen asleep around the middle of the movie. Niall too.

"I think Im'a go home now." Zayn stood up. "Goodnight everyone." He grabbed his jacked and left.

"I think we are ganna head out as well." Louis stood up grabbing Harry's hand.

"Wait! Can you help me get him to bed?" I pointed my thumb at Liam.

"Uh, sure." Harry walked over to him and picked him up bridal style. He carried him into the bedroom and I pulled the covers back so he could easily lie him down. Harry went to leave, he gave me a hug and said goodnight. He linked fingers with Louis and they left.

I walked back into our room and changed into my pajamas. I crawled into bed and cuddled up to Liam. I slowly drifted off into a land of dreams and no worries.

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