Chapter 3

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Liam's POV

She cuddled into my chest as I put my arms around her waist. I loved this. I mean I know she doesn't like me like that. We are best friends. But I couldn't control my heart.

She was asleep now. I could feel her breathing. Heat radiated off her. Soon I was asleep too.

I was woken up by yelling. It scared me so much I fell off the bed. "Ow!" I yelled being hit in the head by the desk.

"Sorry Liam!"

"It's fine, why are you waking me up this early?"

"Um Liam....."


"It's 3 in the afternoon!"

"What!? Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?"

"Well you looked so peaceful when you were sleeping....." She paused. "Come on! The lads are here!" She grabbed my hand and yanked me into the living room.

"Hey sleepy head!" Zayn says running and jumping on me messing up my hair more than it was already.

"Morning." I said lazily.

"Morning!? Morning!? It's not morning!" Louis screams.

"Shhh!" I yell back. "Inside voices! We have neighbors!"

Louis was on the couch, Jodie's head was on his lap and her feet were on Niall. Harry was on the floor and Zayn was on the love-seat. I sat down by Zayn.

"What are the plans for today?" I ask.

"Well considering you slept half the day.......nothing!" Jodie bounced up and jumped over to me. Sometimes I wonder where all her energy comes from.

She plopped herself down on my lap and kissed my cheek.

"I swear It's like you two are dating!" Harry looked at us like 'are you sure your just friends?' Way.

"Oh Harry! We. Are. just. FRIENDS!" She yelled at him as she jumped up and ran towards the kitchen.

"Yeah that's not how Liam feels!" Harry said just quiet enough she didn't hear.

"Shut up!" I yell throwing a pillow at him.

"What!? We all know it's true!" He argued.

"Well she doesn't! And that's how I plan on keeping it!"


She bounced back into the room with a slice of watermelon, sitting between Louis and Niall once more.

"Well I-I...." She stopped. She jumped up and ran down the hall to her room.

I wonder.........

Louis' POV

We were all sitting on the couch waiting for her to finish her sentence, when she jumped out of her seat and darted down the hall.

What's up with her? I decided to find out.

All the lads looked confused.

"Imma check on her." I bounce up and run after her.

She was in the bathroom?

Jodie's POV

I was sitting on the couch about to tell the lads my plans for the rest of the day when I could feel the blood in my throat.

Uh-oh! I jump up and dash down the hall. I almost didn't make it to the bathroom.

I thought I made it out without anyone coming after me, but I was wrong. As I was coming up from the seat I noticed a shocked Louis in the door.


So Louis knows about her being sick!

Will he tell Liam!? Oh wait! You don't know! I do! Hee-hee!

You'll just have to wait to find out!

Vote/comment! Oh yeah and read more!

Love ya!


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