New Friend?

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???: “You, how dare you!”

She yelled at me visibly furious about something.

Guy: “Uh... Did... I do something wrong?”

The girl then got more irritated at me for asking that question.

???: “So... You didn't even know you killed my Daughter!”

Wait—! Wut?!... So, in this world, even someone as young as her can already have children?...

That didn't sit right with me...

Guy: “Umm... Sorry, but I actually can't remember killing a person. I think you got the wrong guy.”

The girl looked confused for a bit and then the sensation of being apprised comes to me again.

???: “Nope, you are the one who kills her.”

She just used [Appraisal] on me...

And so I did the same I appraised her.

Appraisal: <<Origin Taratect | Lvl. 139| Skill Points: 1,000 | Ariel


×HP : 99,999.
×MP : 99,999.
×SP : 89,862.
×SP : 99,567.

×Average Offense Ability : 90,021.
×Average Defense Ability : 89,997.
×Average Magic Ability : 87,504.
×Average Resistance Ability : 87,489.
×Average Speed Ability : 89,518.


×Stat & Ability Skills:

•[HP Ultra-Fast Recovery Lvl. 5]

•[MP Rapid Recovery Lvl. 10]

•[MP Minimized Consumption Lvl. 10]

•[SP Rapid Recovery Lvl. 10]

•[SP Minimized Consumption Lvl. 10]

•[Ultimate Life Lvl. 10]

•[Ultimate Magic Lvl. 10]

•[Ultimate Movement Lvl. 10]

•[Fortune Lvl. 10]

•[Fortitude Lvl. 10]

•[Stronghold Lvl. 10]

•[Deva Lvl. 10]

•[Sanctum Lvl. 10]

•[Skanda Lvl. 10]

×Attack Skills:

•[Magic Power Super-Attack Lvl. 10]

•[Energy Super-Attack Lvl. 10]

•[Deadly Poison Attack Lvl. 10]

•[Enhanced Paralysis Attack Lvl. 10]

×Enhancement Skills:

•[Destruction Super-Enhancement Lvl. 10]

•[Impact Super-Enhancement Lvl. 10]

•[Cutting Super-Enhancement Lvl. 8]

•[Piercing Super-Enhancement Lvl. 10]

•[Shock Super-Enhancement Lvl. 10]

•[Status Condition Super-Enhancement Lvl. 10]

×Active Skills:

•[Magic Divinity Lvl.10]

•[Magic Power Conferment Lvl. 10]

•[Magic Conferment Lvl. 10]

•[Battle Divinity Lvl. 10]

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