MHA One Shot.

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Izuku Midoriya was bored-with nothing else to do, he sat on his bed in his personal room, assigned to him within Ramirisʼ Labyrinth.

This world is just so boring.

* * *

I was fourteen years old when I fell into this world. On my way home from school, a sudden gale slashed across my body, so powerful I couldn't keep my eyes open. When I did finally pry my eyelids apart, I saw a new and unfamiliar landscape before me.

I liked it. I subconsciously smiled, the previous hollow expression on my face was now nowhere to be found.

Have I really just been transported to another world, something like Isekai?

The sun was about to set in about a few hours, and minus the school lunch that I had earlier, I was running on an empty stomach. It didn't take a genius to figure out that I was starving.

Ah, shi——

——I was also unlucky enough to have spawned in some forest.

But given how things had developed, it was
still too much for me to take in.

Normally under this type of circumstance,
shouldn't there be a king or someone like that
waiting for me in order to explain the whole
ordeal, or at least help me start off?

But alas, those were simply novel fantasies found in the stories that I used to passionately read. Reality was cruel, and sitting there sighing wasn't going to offer me any solutions, so I was once again forced to reevaluate my situation.

As I pondered, I checked the pockets of my uniform and rummaged through the contents of my backpack.

There was a wallet in his pocket. In it were a
ten-thousand yen bill, a three thousand yen bill, and some change. As for my backpack: In it were my smartphone, textbooks, pens, pencils, eraser, and the usual school materials.

Just then I heard growling behind me.


Glancing behind me, I saw a monster, like a large wolf though it features a skull head and blue flames on its back. I later found out that it's called a Barghest.

There are five Barghest ready to pounce on me.

I guess it's time for my strongest technique.


. . . . . .

“What the hell is that over there?!”

As if also wondering the Barghests looked in the direction that I point out.

Without any hesitation I booked it.


Why am I being surrounded by those monsters? I don't even know anything about this world!

<<Confirmed. Unique skill [Mystery], successfully obtained.>>

All kinds of strong emotions swirled in me, and all I could do is restrain them.

<<Confirmed. Extra skill [Emotional Suppression], successfully obtained.>>

I'm not sure where they are exactly but for a moment, I could sense the Barghests.

<<Confirmed. Extra skill [Magic Sense], successfully acquired.>>

Ignoring the unfamiliar voice booming in my head, I pushed myself to the absolute best of my abilities——

——But before I could finish my narration someone burst into my room.


“What is it, Lady Ramiris?”

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