Underground Journey

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Guy: "Okay, have fun in the afterlife! Bye now!"

The hellfire expanded, multiplied, and spread forward consuming the Ant's.

After the fire subsides what was left was my perfect figure and my scorched surroundings.

Using [Detection], I again made a deadpan expression...

They still haven't noticed that I'm gone...

I guess I have some time to explore this place.

Kufufufu, I might find something interesting in here.

Hrmm? What's that? I'm too far away to tell exactly what it is.

I'll have to go farther down.

I use [Earth Magic] to create a hole that goes straight down.

This shaft leads somewhere different than the ants' nest.

I jump right in.

When I land, I'm surrounded by dozens of ants.

I can't exactly read ants' expressions, but they seem kinda surprised to me.

Using [Gluttony], I instantly finish off the ants.

Then, after quickly burning the corpses, I make another hole going downward with [Earth Magic].

Rinse and repeat.

At the bottom floor, I kill the queen and her bodyguard ants, but they're so weak compared to me that they're barely any different from the regular ants.

But hey I did gain 5 whole level, some Skill Points, and a couple of my skill did leveled up, from them so I'm somewhat grateful.

I make another hole with [Earth Magic] leading below the queen's area in the bottom of the ant nest.

Then, after digging for who knows how long, I finally reach it.

There, quite a bit deeper than even the lowest part of the ants' nest, my destination comes into view.

As soon as I sees it, I mumbles in awe.

I use my [Earth Magic] to clear away the dirt that obscures it.

In front of me is a door.

A metal door, unlike anything I've seen in this world.

It might be possible to find metal doors elsewhere but none will ever be as perfectly crafted as this one.

This world doesn't have the technology to produce something so advanced.

Much less to install it somewhere so deep underground.

So there I stand, in front of a door that shouldn't exist.

Out of step with the current level of technology in this world.

The only civilization that could have made this is the one that has long since collapsed.

I've stumbled upon the ruins of something made by the ancient civilization told by [Taboo], one that destroyed itself long ago.

Um... Now what?

I was so focused on burrowing down and finding it that I didn't really think about what to do once we actually got here.

To be honest, I kinda just want to go back up and forget it.

I mean, this definitely can't be a good sign, right?

Come on-think about it. The ruins of a supposedly lost civilization? When does that ever end well?

What, are we just gonna waltz on in there in search of adventure and/or hidden treasure?

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