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APPARENTLY IM THE NEXT Heirs for this Mafia group or whatever my parents call it which was the Ace of Spades. No wonder why all my clothes either had an ace or a spade symbol. I sighed looking at the guys. 

"I'm running away. I don't want to be caught up in this Mafia shit and get killed the second I step out side." I huffed grabbing the packed bags. "Are you guys coming or?" I say putting on my black beanie. I was wearing all black to blend in. When your famous its normal to have stalkers. But to have Mafia stalkers is a whole different breed. Rolling my eyes I walk to the garage and plug in the pin code and it opened revealing all the cars, and bikes. Smirking to my self as I see the guys jaw dropped I shrugged picking a black Maserati. It already had a motorcycle attached to the secret compartment which I was proud of. 

"Miss. Yoon this is your new vehicle. Would you like me to prepare 5 more?" My updated Coco (Its like google home but tech wise is smarter) asks and I smile. "Yes Thank you." 

"Suho, Junjun, Li Yang, and Feng, Pick what ever you want. Fuel up because this is going to be a long RUNAWAY. I heard glass shattering. "Guys get in the car. Coco. When we drive off lock all entrances, do not leave traces to where we went or eaven leaving, Do not contact my parents or brother. And do not alert any missing vehicles and turn on the security footage swell as the laser beams and traps. Hide all weapons and lock all the doors in the house and turn on illusions. Thank you. "Boys lets go." 

I speed off as the garage door closes and it was about to close on the car but we spead of before it can not letting anyone in or out. The security system started going off. The guys got in their own car that they got and I turned on the walki talki's. 

"You guys there? Copy." I say as its on the dash board. 

"Yep. Here." I hear them reply. I turn back to face the road and I see them following me as if we were in some gang. 

"Next stop, Toronto China Town. " I Say blasting music. I let my hair flow through the wind smiling. As I hear 'We're good by: Dua Lipa' starts to play I smirk cranking up the volume. I sing along Driving for a good 13 hours (A/n: Im trying to be realistic but just go with it) 

T I M E  S K I P

We have officially made it Toronto. I hope that no one knows who I am, or No one followed us here. I parked where the rest of the guys parked and we all stood in the alley way. 

"Now what?" Suho asked. I smirked looking at all of them. No one should recognize you guys but I defiantly need a disguise. This is what im going to go with. This would be how I look after I finished discussing my self. 

(Instagram: @kangkahyee- for Inspo) 

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(Instagram: @kangkahyee- for Inspo) 

"So whatcha guys think?" I ask twirling as they just stared at me shocked. I smirked proud of my self. 

"No way- you look like Sunny- you but before everyone knew you- like the old sunshine and rainbows!" Situ Feng said making the girl chuckle. 

"Thats what I was going fore." She grabbed her bag and skipped into the restaurant like its nobody's business. 

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