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Nathaniel (aka Elizabeth) age 10 pictured above

From the age of two Elizabeth, now known as Nathaniel, was raised as the prince. She was never called by her real name again. Her father raised her as if she were going to be the future king. She learned everything that she would need to know to rule the kingdom. Her mother kept her hair cut short and in style. It was always odd to her at first when she would hear the servants call her Prince Nathaniel. Now she had grown used to it. She had tutors to teach her history, politics, and other things to run the kingdom. She had a tutor to teach her swordsmanship. Her mother and father drilled her at night about what she had learned. By the time she lay in her bed at night, she was exhausted. 

By the time he was ten, he was referring to himself as Nathaniel. Elizabeth was dead. She had died many years ago. The only thing that he had left from his dead sister was a little stuffed animal. The little stuffed lion stayed on Nathaniel's bed and when he missed his sister he would hug it and remember her. He wished that she was still here. He visited her grave when he could, which was less often than he would like. His studies were going well and his swordmaster was very proud of him for how well he was doing in his training. His parents seemed to be happy for the first time in years.

One day after Nathaniel came in from his sword practice a servant was waiting for him in the hall. The servant curtsied, "Prince Nathaniel, your parents need to speak with you. They are waiting for you in their sitting room."

"Thank you," Nathaniel said before he headed that way.

Nathaniel entered the room when he got there, walked into the sitting room, and bowed, "Good afternoon mother and father. I was told that you wished to speak to me."

"Have a seat, Nathaniel," the queen said.

Nathaniel nodded and sat across from them and crossed his legs. "We have some news, my son," the queen said.

"Is that so?" Nathaniel asked sagely.

"Indeed," the king said. 

"And what is that?" Nathaniel asked.

"We will be having a visit from a neighboring kingdom," the king said.

Nathaniel was not stupid, he had an inclining of what this was about. Even at 10, it was not too early for his parents to do something like this. Even so, he asked, "And what is this visit for?"

"As you know, our kingdom of Auraya is not the largest. We do well enough by our people, but if we could align ourselves with another prosperous kingdom, especially through marriage, then it would help us wonderfully," the king explained.

Nathaniel kneaded his head in his hand. He should have expected this to come, but hearing it was something else. He asked quietly, "And which kingdom is coming?"

"The kingdom of Ichesta," the queen said.

Nathaniel looked up at his parents. He had heard much about that kingdom. "They are one of the richest kingdoms in the world."

"That they are. I can hardly believe they accepted my missive," the king said with a smile.

Nathaniel forced a smile, "Who is coming?"

"The king is sending his oldest son, his oldest daughter, a servant for each of them, and a few knights to watch over them. His son is your age and his daughter is a couple of years younger than you," the king explained.

Nathaniel's brows dipped, "Why send his son?"

"I suppose so that he can look out for his daughter. I am not sure. I did not ask," the king said.

"You will be on your best behavior for our guests and spend time in their presence," the queen said.

"Of course mother," Nathaniel said.

"I even think we should hold a small ball before they head back to their kingdom," the queen mused.

"I like that idea, my dear," the king said.

"I will be sure to entertain our guests as you have asked of me," Nathaniel promised.

"Wonderful!" the queen smiled.

"They will be here in a week," the king let Nathaniel know.

So Nathaniel had a week to prepare for his guests. He didn't have much of a choice. His parents had spoken and he couldn't go against them.

What do you think will happen when the prince and princess of Ichesta come to Auraya? How do you think Nathaniel will deal with it?

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