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Nathaniel's eyes got wide. He hadn't had anyone call him that name in 16 years, and that was his own brother who lay under their own feet. Christopher was stronger than him, Nathaniel could tell that easily. He frowned and pushed away from Christopher. He was happy to be away from him. Nathaniel didn't know how he felt with Christopher so close. He furrowed his brow, "What are you talking about Chris?"

Christopher crossed his arms, "Aw Elizabeth. You really think that I am that dim-witted?"

"Christopher. This has ceased being funny."

"Do you recall we Samantha and I first visited?" Christopher asked.

Nathaniel looked at Christopher in confusion, "Of course. What does that have to do with anything?"

"When we first arrived, after our introductions, we each went our separate ways. Your father told us that we could wander the grounds, so once I saw to Samantha's safety in her room, that is what I did. Imagine my surprise when I saw you. You seemed intent on something, so I didn't call out to you, we barely knew one another after all. I decided to follow you. It did not seem that any guards were, so I took it upon myself. I know what it is like to feel stifled in one's role. You came here. I quickly climbed into the tree. I wished to give you some privacy, but to still watch over you. Imagine my surprise when you began to speak. Do you remember what you said?"

That had been so many years ago. Nathaniel raked his brain. He came here so often and spoke candidly to his twin. There was no telling what Christopher overheard, nor what he intended to do with the information. Nathaniel shook his head. "Pity. Your words were full of a sense of something that you wished would happen, but you knew never could. It broke my heart. I decided right then that I would become your close friend. It was the least that I could do. I felt so terribly for the loss that you had suffered and the weight that had been placed on your shoulders. If I could lift it by being your friend, then I felt my job complete," Christopher said then sighed.

Nathaniel asked, "Why do I feel like there is more?"

Christopher smirked but there was no warmth to the smile. "I have been through so much in these last four years," he removed his crown and raked his hand through his hair. "This crown... it should still sit on my father's head," he placed it solemnly back on his own head. "Your letters were a great encouragement to me over the years, especially after his passing and my ascent to the throne."

"I meant every word of my letters," Nathaniel said.

Christopher smiled. "Good. That brings me to your words that night," Christopher took hold of both of Nathaniel's hands. "Are you not tired of being someone you are not? Did you not say that night that you wondered who you would be if you could be Elizabeth?"


"Shh! If you will but accept me, as your husband, then all of it can be over. Just think about it."

Christopher's eyes seemed to be twinkling. Nathaniel took a deep breath and went to answer, but then stooped and thought about it again. He was of two minds. What should he do? He then grunted and pulled his hands out of Christopher's grasp, "I am Prince Nathaniel Winstanley of Auraya. Your... confession is sweet but the person to whom it was meant is dead."

The look in Christopher's eyes never left, "You wound me. It would be a great shame were a nasty rumor to spread that the dear prince of Auraya is not a prince at all, but a princess."

Nathaniel's mouth dropped open, "You would not! You cannot! You know what would happen if a male heir were not to be!"

"Would it indeed be as bad as all that?"

"You know it would be. I have told you all about my scheming uncle."

Christopher put his hand on his chin, "Then I see only one way out of this for you."

Nathaniel didn't like where this was headed. He closed his eyes as he said slowly, "What do you want King Christopher?"

"So formal all of a sudden," Christopher teased. "It is very simple Princess Elizabeth. I want you... as my wife."

Did you see that coming? How is that going to work? Will Nathaniel go back to being Elizabeth?

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