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summary- when y/n accidentally hurts tom during a friendly basketball game, she takes him to her doctor friend — who's a gynecologist — and discovers something concerning

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summary- when y/n accidentally hurts tom during a friendly basketball game, she takes him to her doctor friend — who's a gynecologist — and discovers something concerning.

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"Haz, you go left; y/n, you go right; Jacob — go to the parking lot, get in the car, we'll meet you when the game's over."

Tom looked at the three of you in front of him, dressed in your athletic wear and preparing for a light game of basketball.

"Way ahead of you guys," said Jacob, pulling a folding chair seemingly out of nowhere and taking a seat on the sidelines. He took a sip of his water bottle, waving goofily. You waved back.

The game didn't last long. Harrison kind of sucked at basketball, and in the heat of the game you forgot that it was a no-contact sport. When the opposing team surged around you, suddenly all you could see was the ball.

You stretched your arms up, your legs carrying you in hot pursuit, your eyes fixated upwards. It soared through the air, passing directly through the outstretched arms of one Tom Holland.

You got one quick glimpse of his bare chest, toned and slightly sweating, before—


You and Tom both went down on the court, hard. Tom let out a cry of pain when he hit the asphalt, and you felt your own knee scrape.

"Ow!" shouted Tom, more angry than everything.

You looked down at his face, mere inches from your own, concern wiping away the cloud of adrenaline. "Are you okay?" you asked gently.

"I'm fine," groaned Tom, still aggravated.
"Get off."

Then you realized you were still on top of Tom, your chests pressed together almost like two lovers'. As soon as the thought entered your mind you pushed it away, quickly sitting back on your haunches so Tom could get up.

"Come on, Tom, walk it off," called Jacob. He was eating grapes now, but you had no idea where he'd gotten them.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine— ooooooh!" His face squeezed up in pain when he tried to sit up, obviously unable to move.

"Oh, god, Tom, I'm so sorry," you breathed.
"I'm fine, really, I just— aaaaaaah!" Once again, he tried to sit up and found himself incapable of doing so.

"Probably your lateral sizer," said Harrison unhelpfully. He'd stopped and was watching the two of you, arms folded.

"Shut up!" wailed Tom.

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