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Summary - Y'n finds out that her ex has cheated on her and is now single and free

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Summary - Y'n finds out that her ex has cheated on her and is now single and free.

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I rush into my shared room with my "EX" boyfriend, grabbing my duffle bag and suitcase. I ran across the room to my dresser, grabbed all of my clothing and shoved them in my bag and suitcase. I hear someone coming down the hall, and rushed into the room I'm in.

"Y/n? What are you doing" Max said, my now ex boyfriend walking closer to me with small steps.

"What do you think I'm doing, dumbass!" I said angrily. Pissed off that I found out what he did last night.

He looks at me, confusion written all over on his face. "I'm asking you. why are you packing all of your things?" He said.

I zipped up my bag and suitcase and turned to him. "Let me think for a sec..." pretending I was thinking. "Ohhh now I remember" I said, fake smiling towards him.

He looks at me strangely, messing with his fingers, since he has a habit of it. "What do you remember?" He questioned. staring at me while i get my coat from the closet.

"That your a dickhead, you're a shitty boyfriend, and I'm dumping you" I said to him with a smile on my face.

He looked at me very closely. Just to see if I'm joking or not. "Are you serious? your joking, right?" he said, coming towards me.

I take a step back from him so I can get some space.

"Did it sound like a joke? Did I make it into a joke? I never mentioned about it being a joke" I said with a hint of sarcasm.

He shook his head. "C'mon babe. What did I do wrong?" He said, looking surprised.

This little fucker. "Oh so you don't know, what you did?" I told him.

He shook his head no.

"Oh. Okay then, let's have our thinking caps on. Did you know that you cheated on me?" I questioned.

His eye widened and was about to make an explanation, but I interrupted him. "So therefore, we're done. You're a shitty boyfriend. A dumbass for lying, because I caught you with that slick shit and I'm leaving you. So bye" I told him, grabbing my bag and my phone.

I walked around him, but I was stopped when I felt a hand on my wrist. He stared down at me, with his thumb tracing the back of my hand.

"Please don't leave baby. Look I'm sorry. I will change. I will do better. Just please give me one last chance" he promised. Begging me to accept his apology.

I give him the "don't try it" look on my face. I wiggle my hand out of his grip and squinted my eyes at him. Tryin to read his face if he was being serious.

"I don't think you understand about me leaving you. I mean what's hard about it? I said that I'm leaving and we're done" looking at him with a proud smirk on my face.

I turned away with my bag and suitcase in my hand. I opened the door and walked out to my car.

I put all of my things, in my car and turned towards him one last time. A victory smile on my face. I turned away from him, opened my car door and got in.

He was leaning on the doorframe, still looking at me while I started the car. I'm single. I'm free. "YES!!! FUCK YOU LOVE!!!" I said with excitement. I turned and looked at Max, which he is still standing at the door with his head down.

"Hey Max!!" I yelled. He looked up from the ground and looked at me. Sad written all over his face. "YOU CAN FUCK ANY BITCHES YOU WANT!! CAUSE THIS BITCH RIGHT HERE IS SINGLE!AND WILL BE STAYING SINGLE. SO FUCK YOU!!!" rolling up my window and make my way to my friends house. Leaving Max standing there with a mad look on his face.

I'm free. I'm free.

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Author's Note: Hope you liked it, this was my first one and I did good. Part 2 will be coming out next week :)

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