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I think, I might like it here.

Summary - Y/n is having the best life, living with Tom and his two friends

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Summary - Y/n is having the best life, living with Tom and his two friends. Tom makes a deal with Y/n to find a job, but she needs all the help to find one with Harrison and Jacob on her side.


You can say that I'm having a good time here. It's really not that bad.

No, like I'm being serious. These guys are great.

I haven't even been here, less than a week, and I'm letting my spiritual animal free. Literally.

"WHAT'S UP BITCHES!" I yelled at them, while walking in the kitchen in my pj's and saw them eating breakfast.

"Why do you have to be so loud in the morning?" Jacob groaned.

"Because, it's my mouth and I can use it whenever I want to" I said, sticking out my tongue at him.

"Yup. I bet you use it for a lot of things" I heard.

I turn away from the fridge, staring at the three boys with my eyebrow raised.

"And, who said that?" I said, leaning against the counter.

"HE DID!" Tom and Jacob said at the same, while pointing at Harrison.

Harrison turned to the both of the boys and sighed in defeat.

"Assholes" he grumbled.

I walked towards the table and sat in between Tom and Jacob, with a plate of my food.

"Well, you don't see me, talking about your dick. Which is probably smaller than my pinky" I remarked, taking a bite of my eggs.

All I heard around me was "damnnn" or "bro, she did you dirty."

Harrison was blushing madly and was scratching the back of his neck.

I looked over to my right and saw Tom reading, something.

"Hey, what's that your reading?" I asked him.

He looked at me and then back to his paper.

"Oh. It's just a script" he said, like it didn't matter.

"What for?" I questioned him.

"Just....something" he said back.

Harrison and Jacob looked at both of our little interaction, and just couldn't help but smirk.

"He is auditioning for a commercial" Jacob said, while going to put his dish in the sink.

"Ohhh. What commercial are you doing?" I asked Tom.

"Umm, a toilet commercial actually" he said, flipping the page of his script.

I looked down at my plate, to control my laughter and I look up to see Harrison and Jacob doing the same thing.

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