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I'm free. I'm free. I'm free.

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Summary - Y/n leaves her ex boyfriend's house and only one person can help her, through this break up

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Summary - Y/n leaves her ex boyfriend's house and only one person can help her, through this break up.

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Knock Knock. My knuckles bang on the door. The door knob on the inside turned and I see my best friend standing there with a wide smile.

"Is that my bitch right in front of me?" Zendaya questioned in a joking way.

I looked at her with a wide smile on my face. "Yes, I am. I'm your bitch" breaking out with laughter.

Zendaya joined in and gave me a big hug. Rocking both of us back an forth with her arms around me.

We pulled away from our embrace and Zendaya let me walk into her apartment.

"Soooo....how's it been bestie?" she asked me, walking into her living room and me following close behind.

"Oh, it's going great actually! I went on a good run this morning. I'm off my period today. I broke up with my boyfriend..." I said.

Zendaya looked at me with a shock expression on her face.

"Wait, wait, wait. Repeat that part again" looking at me closely.

"Ummm...I'm off my period?" my answer coming out as a question.

Zendaya looked at me with her eyebrow raised.

"No dumbass. The part where you said 'I broke up with my boyfriend.'

On the inside, I'm kinda hurt of what he did to me. Everything that I did for him was probably not enough for him.


I walk in to my apartment, with my large black coat around me. I am going to have sex with my boyfriend. I am ready for this moment. I mean yea we had sex before, but we haven't in awhile. So now is the time.

"BABY!!! I'M HOMEEE!!!" I said with a smile.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I see my boyfriend come down the stairs, walking closely to me.

"Hey baby, how was your day?" He asked, giving me a quick peck on my lips.

"It was good, but do you know what I need right now, Max?" I smirked.

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