Chapt 3: Ah Harmony To Remember

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It's been 3 day since you've both been here in Devildom, you two we're getting along a bit with the demon brothers though you we're always cautious around Belphie. You keep hearing him mumble how to kill you and Camilo when nobody's around, you warned Camilo about him and he understood.

You two we're almost getting better at using the device that was called a D. D. D and to you're surprise the one who's teaching you both is Mammon. Though Camilo would always tease him by pretending not to understand at was pissing Mammon off that ended up in a yelling and storming off you're room manner, though Camilo added some thin cotton to you're ears so you can only hear slightly of the noise and to avoid you're ear bleed from the loud ruckus Mammon made.

Now you two we're in you're room hanging out soon Camilo's stomach grumbled, " ughhhhhh, man the food here can't make you full at all" he whined, you smiled and soon think " why don't we make some empenadas?" You asked which he joyfully agreed.

You both soon went to the kitchen, both of you grabbed you're aprons and soon washed you're hands. " You know this would be easy if it was Casita, she would pass us the ingredients we need to make " Camilo stated as he shapeshifted into a tall man to reach the cabinets that we're a little high for him. His words made you chuckle and soon went out to look for bowls, you two got all the things you both need to make the food.

The next part was now to cook, " Camilo can you grate the cheese? " You asked as he nodded and took the cheese and soon grate them, while you we're busy doing the rest. You two we're cooking in silence till Camilo started to sing a song you we're very familiar with, soon music suddenly played out of nowhere which made you smile.

" 🎶This is our home we have generation, so filled with music and rythm of it's own design. This is my family a perfect constalation so many stars and many get's to shine 🎶 "

" Camilo... " You started, which he looked at you with a confused look. " What I'm just bored and thought of singing the song. We need to light things up you know " he answered as he continued to sing while you just listened to him sing.

" 🎶 Woah! Let's be clear Abuela runs this show, Woah! She lead here so many years ago! And every year our family blessings grow. There's simply more you've got to know 🎶 "

You chuckled but soon made him stop, you heard footsteps coming from upstairs and it looks like it was heading towards the kitchen. Camilo listened and stopped singing and the music stopped, " Man even singing isn't allowed? This is so unfair " he sighed as he continued to grate the cheese.

While you two we're cooking Beel entered the kitchen and was surprised to see you both here in the kitchen, the first on to notice was you " oh hello Beel " you greeted while you stir the pot. Camilo just waved at him with the cheese in his hands, " what are you both cooking? " He asked.

" Empenadas " Camilo answered, " is it delicious? " Beel asked. " Yup it is, but you have to wait " you answered, Beel nodded his head in understand as he took a seat in the kitchen stool and watched you both work.

1 hour later

Hours passed, the brothers we're called by Beel and was welcome by a sweet and delicious arousal. They followed it and saw Beel drooling at the food you both prepared, while Camilo was there stirring a pitcher of Lemonade and you arrived carrying a tray of glass cups. " I see you're all here " you smiled.

The brothers eyed the food on the table with curiosity but with a bit of caution, " Y/N, Camilo what's this?" Lucifer asked. " These are called Empenadas, one of our country's food " Camilo answered as he poured the lemonade in each glass, " and that?" Mammon pointed at the Lemonade Camilo was holding, " lemonade, you guys don't have lemonade here?" He answered but soon asked.

All of them shook there heads, Bel soon got impatient and asked " can I eat now? " You and Camilo nod you're head as you passed him a glass of lemonade. As Beel took a bite he soon took a whole lot of it in his mouth. The bothers soon pick on up and started to have a bite and that became an obsession, " mmm, this is so good! " Asmo hummed as he ate another bite.

Camilo already took a bite of his along with you following his lead. " Can you make this everyday Y/N Camilo? If it doesn't trouble you " Beel asked. You and Camilo looked at each other and soon nod, " sure thing "

The brothers had gotten obsessed with both yours and Camilo's cooking, both you're cooking are definitely their favorites.

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