Chapter 1

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As I roll out of bed, everything starts to hit me, I'm really going off to college, I'm really leaving home, I'm really becoming an adult and I couldn't be more happier.

I believe that college will be so different from high school. No more mean girls spreading untrue rumors about you, no more teachers constantly on your back about turning in homework, no more worrying about who your real friends are and no more boy drama.

College kids are more mature than high school kids because they're basically adults, they don't need to start petty drama for no reason, spread rumors, pull mean pranks because they're not childish. I'm so glad that I graduated, that I've made it through the worst years of my life. I'm lucky.

"Naomi" I hear a knock at my door.

I stand up from my bed, grabbing a blue robe from my floor and put it on. I'm wearing short shorts and a tank top, I do not want someone walking in here and basically see me naked.

"Come in" I say, kicking the pile of dirty clothes into a corner.

My older brother Marcus walks into the room with his uniform on, he's a police officer and I couldn't be more proud of him for what he's doing. He's brown skin, with a crooked smile but he's still handsome and he towers over me.

"So this is it huh? My baby sister is going off to college." He comes over to me than starts to ruffle up my curly hair.

I swat his hand away "Stop" I hate when he does that, he's so annoying sometimes "Aren't you on watch anyway?"

"In another hour, Smith is still at the station" he pulls his bullet proof vest down. I have always had a crush on Brian, he always used to come over the house in their high school days, Marcus and him are best friends, looking cute as ever but he was too old for me. Marcus and Brian decided to go into the police academy together because they didn't want to go to college.

"He's not gonna come see me before I leave?" I wipe under my eye, acting like a tear fell.

He rolls his eyes "No" he hates when I do that, he knows I have a crush on Brian but he'll kill him if we ever dated, which most likely would never happen.

Marcus looks around the room, they're clothes everywhere, wrappers on the floor, high heels in every corner and hair products all over. I swear I'm not this messy, it's just that I've been trying to find clothes to bring to college and I haven't found any thing that's suitable to bring, so I guess I'll just have to get a job and buy all new clothes.

"I'm not even gonna say nothing" he cracks a smile before walking to my door "oh and do something with that birds nest on top of your head."

He shuts the door before I can give him the finger, ugh he's so annoying but that's my big brother and I love him to pieces. My mom got pregnant at a young age with my brother, things happend and my father left. He wasn't in Marcus life up until he was about fifteen than my mom got back together with him and they ended up having me, they've been together ever since but I know they're not happy. Yes, we were both accidents but my mom says she never regrets having us because we're the best thing that ever happened to her, I don't know about my dad sometimes though.

I take off the blue robe and throw it onto the floor, grabbing a towel while I'm at it. I go into the bathroom and start the shower up, I get in and coat myself with dove soap, washing every part of my body then I wash my curly hair making sure that it gets super wet then I get out. The mirror is coated with steam so I wipe it with my hand, looking into it. My brown skin is smooth and clear, my full lips are pink and soft, my chocolate brown eyes seem brighter than usual and my curly hair is long and thick, God bless my DNA.

I put product into my hair so it won't get frizzy and it'll stay moist then I go into my room, put on a pink shirt that says "On Wednesdays We Wear Pink" and light blue jeans. Mean girls is my favorite movie, like ever.

I grab my suitcase, it's blue with black polkadots and I walk out of my room and shut the door behind me, this is the last time I'm gonna see this room in a while.

I haul my suitcase down to the living room, setting it beside the couch. My mom is in the kitchen making coffee while my father is in his recliner drinking a beer, probably trying to get drunk before the day even starts.

"Naomi, what do you want for breakfast" my mom ask while turning on the stove. Her hair is in a neat ponytail, she has on a all white dress with red "diamonds" on the neckline with red lipstick and red heels.

"I'm not all that hungry" I say honestly. I'm so nervous that if I try to eat something it'll probably come back up when I get there.

"I understand, the first day is always nerve racking baby doll" she comes over to me then moves a curly strand of hair away from my face, and in that moment I feel like I should cry, because she's taken care of me my whole life and now I'm just leaving her alone with no one. Of course she'll have Marcus but he'll have to work most of the time and he lives a couple hours away. She won't have my father because he's never here with us mentally. I want to cry but I can't, I'm overwhelmed with emotions.

"So, are you driving me to the airport or what?" I step away from her to sit on the couch. I hate getting emotional in front of people, even my mom, I don't know why but I just do.

"Of course I am, and I have a rental for you when you get there" she brings her hands together and smiles. I can tell that's she's very excited for me to go but I can also tell that's she's sad too. It's never easy for a parent to send a child that they cared for for eighteen years off to college, I assume.

"Thank you mom" I smile. I was blessed enough to get my mothers perfect teeth and her smile.

My father just sits back in his recliner drinking his beer, watching tv. He hasn't even once spoken to me since I've told them where I'm going for college. I'm attending Florida State University and I live in California so it'll be a long drive on holidays if they come visit me, because plane tickets cost a lot of money. The only reason I'm flying is because I saved money up from when I worked at McDonalds in high school.

My mom turns off the stove then wipes the counters down even though she didn't even make anything, she's a bit of a clean freak. I just sit on the couch and wait until it's time to go.

"Okay, let's get a move on, your plane leaves in an hour" mom grabs her purse and her car keys "Henry, if Marcus comes back before I get here tell him just to go home." Marcus always comes over after every watch to check on us and see if we're okay, now it's just gonna be him checking on them.

Dad waves his hand lazily, like he's paying attention but I know from years of him doing do that, that he's not paying attention. 

Mom sighs and leaves the house. I go over to him, lean down and kiss him on the check "I love you daddy."

He doesn't say anything for a while before I give up, grab my suitcase and go out to the car, putting it in the backseat. I get into the passengers side and we drive off. Airport here I come.

Tell me what you guys think of this story so far. My Spanish isn't that good so expect some mistakes lol

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