Chapter 41

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When I woke up from my nap, I grabbed my laptop an notebook and headed downstairs to the pod to get some homework done. I totally missed work today so I'll have to do a double tomorrow and on top of that Brian keeps blowing up my phone. I should just call him back and tell him to leave me alone, it'll be hard but I have to do it.

As I'm writing notes in the notebook I see out of the corner of my eye Wilson walk in, with Lizzy. I hope they're not dating because I can't deal with seeing Lizzy every time I'm around Wilson. I'll hate him forever. Wilson comes up to me with Lizzy right behind him.

"Naomi, Diego stopped by my apartment, ruining my sex time with her," he gestures to Lizzy "he was really upset, what's going on?" He runs his hand over his head and waits for my reply. It's weird seeing him without his long hair however the cut does fit his face well.

"Nothing's going on, I asked him a few questions and he got all closed off." I wonder why he goes to talk to Wilson about OUR problems, it's nobody's business.

"Listen, I've known Diego since we were kids and the one thing that he doesn't like is questions. So next time don't try to get too personal." He informs me.

What the hell does he mean don't get too personal? I'm his damn girlfriend for gods sake, I'm supposed to get personal and know everything about him. That's just how relationships are, that's what makes it interesting. "Does she know things about you?" I point to Lizzy and she rolls her eyes.

"She does but I'm not a closed off person like him." Just thinking about it, he's right. Wilson is an open book and that's what I like about him. "The thing you need to understand about Diego is that he's been through a lot of fucked up shit in his life and he doesn't want to repress those memories by bringing them up," he gives me a sympathetic smile "just leave it alone."

I can't leave it alone, I'm not that type of person. It's really driving me crazy that he's hiding shit from me and it makes me mad that he doesn't trust me enough to tell me. Am I not that important?

"Okay." I lie

Wilson nods his head then walks away but Lizzy doesn't. She bends down so she's right next to my face "He's just having fun with you darling, he'll get tired of you then leave," she laughs "then it's gonna be my turn to play with him." She glares me for a second then she walks towards Wilson whose walking out of the door.

Lizzy is the biggest bitch ever and she's a liar. Diego is not having fun with me, we're dating, just because he hasn't said it yet doesn't mean it's not true. He took me to go see his mother, that has to mean something, right? I refuse to let Lizzy get under my skin, she's just bitter because I got him and she didn't. Why doesn't Wilson see that she's a evil bitch and he should just toss her aside? I bet she's all used up, hit thinking about Diego even touching her disgust me. I sigh and start on my calculus work

About thirty minutes later Heather comes in the pod, her red hair is in a bun and she has a sweater and sweats on. It looks like she just came back from class. "I have some news" she says frantically.

I stop what I'm doing to face her "What?"

"Remember a month ago when you were in that slump because Diego wasn't talking to you because his sister got all beaten up?" Yes how could I forget

I nod my head.

"I know who did it." She fumbles with her fingers.


"The same person who beat me, Bobby Hilton. I found out from a friend, she said she saw them leave a basketball game together." She takes a seat next to me

My eyes go wide, what is a sixteen year old girl doing with a twenty year old guy? Why was Bobby even at a high school basketball game? I pick up my phone quickly and punch in Diego's number, as I'm about to press call i stop myself. I can't tell him this, he'll kill Bobby for sure. The damage he put on Amaya is unforgettable but i don't want Diego going to jail over some low life who hits girls.

"What are you waiting for, call him." Heather pushes me.

I shake my head "No, I'm not gonna tell him and you're not either. Don't tell Wilson either, he'll definitely tell Diego." Heather looks at me like I'm crazy and I probably am. I know in my gut this is gonna come back to bite me in the ass but for now I have to keep Diego out of trouble.

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