Chapter 10

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I toss and turn all night, just thinking about the date, and how he just ran out of there without any explanation. When I was looking in his eyes they were almost smiling at me then when we heard that voice they immediately went black. It's like he saw the devil himself, it was weird. I'll have to talk to him about it when I see him again, hopefully it's soon.

I hear my phone buzz, I look at it and it's a text from my mother. It says something about her being worried, I sigh and dial her number. She picks up immediately.

"Hey sweetheart" I hear her say

"Hey mom" I look over at the clock Amber has sitting next to her bed, it's three in the morning "why are you calling me so late."

"I just wanted to see how you were, you haven't called me since you got there. I was beginning to get worried" I can imagine her sitting in her queen size bed, patting under her eyes to stop the tears. My father is probably downstairs in his recliner, passed out from getting sloppy drunk.

I sit up in bed "Mom, I'm fine. I don't have to call you everyday" I say as nicely as I can.

"I know, I know" she clears her throat "When can I come see you?" She changes the subject.

I have the urge to hangup on her but I know that'd be disrespectful and my mom never raised my brother and I to be disrespectful. I sigh silently, rubbing my forehead.

"I have to go" I lie

She quiet for a while before responding "Ok, I love you,"

"Me too" I mumble, hanging up the phone.

I love my mother dearly but she has to understand that I'm in college, I don't have to call her everyday it's just unnecessary. Yeah I'll probably call her once a month to catch up on things but this everyday shit is getting on my nerves. I close my eyes and try to go to sleep.

I wake up around seven, looking around the room to see if Amber is still here, she's not. Kyle is here though, on her pink Mac laptop. It's Tuesday so I don't have classes today and I couldn't be more grateful because I didn't get much sleep the night before.

"Where's Amber" I ask, running a hand over my ponytail, trying to smooth it out.

"Class, she told me not to wake you" it sounds like he is playing WOW but I'm not sure.

I bite my lip a little, wondering if I should ask what happened between the two of them last night, even though I already know. I knew since that day in the pod they had something going on between them, it was obvious.

"Last night, you and Rico Sauve huh?" He raises a eyebrow. Kyle doesn't have manly eyebrows, they look like they've been plucked and trimmed.

I try not to smile "I was trying to get my phone back" I wiggle the phone in the air "and I did, so mission completed."

I get up off the bed, stretching. I need to get a new mattress because the one that the college gives us are not good, at all. It feels like I'm sleeping on a fucking brick. Kyle looks down at my dress and starts to rub his chin. I look down too and it has foot prints on it, like someone stepped on it.

"Something happened last night" he laughs

"I tripped on my dress, it's way to long. That's all" other then the fact that I got sexually touched in a restaurant, and everybody noticed and I happened to like it...a lot. I can still feel his big rough hands on my thigh.

"Yeah, that's all" he gets up from Ambers bed and he has no shirt on, he looks like a ken doll, plastic almost.

Kyle walks out and closes the door. I take my hair out of the ponytail it was in and shake my head. My mind keeps replaying the events that happened last night, and I blush. It's not like I've never had sex before because I have, once but it didn't feel as good as Diego's finger. I laugh to myself.

I take off the dress and throw it to the side. Marcus would tell me to pick it up he hates when I throw things on the floor. I wrap a towel around my waist and head towards the showers. As I'm walking to the shower I hear a crying noise coming from inside the shower. I walk slowly towards it, the sound gets louder and louder, finally I reach the sound and there's a girl sitting in the corner crying, her skin is very pale and her hair is a orange/reddish color. I walk over to her slowly bending on one knee to look at her. She has freckles on her face and her eyes are hazel. She has a cut above her lip and her eye is swollen and black.

"Are you okay" I ask

She doesn't say anything but shivers. I turn the water off, go over to the sink and grab a towel then I drape it over her, covering her up. I inspect her making sure she isn't bleeding, she isn't but her face looks pretty bad.

"Can you hear me" I touch her shoulder lightly

She nods

Then out of nowhere a boy comes in, he's the same shade as her, he's lanky but his face isn't sweet. He comes over to her, grabs her by her wrist and pulls her up from the floor.

"She's fine" he says to me ,pushing her out of the showers door.

I know I shouldn't let her go with him but I don't know what else to do.


After I take a long shower, I go back into my room and there is Diego sitting on my bed, looking through my phone. He looks up at me, he's eyes are bloodshot and he smiles. I shut the door and go over to him, holding onto my towel tightly.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"I uh..." he pauses, looks at my phone then looks at me "whose Brian?"

"A friend" I tell him, slowly reaching for my phone.

He knits his eyebrows together then closes his eyes "A friend, calls you baby?" He slowly slurs. He smells of alcohol and menthols.

I try to take my phone from him but he tightens his big hand around it. I don't know why he's here, its seven in the morning. Who gets drunk at seven in the morning? My father, I remind myself.

"You need to leave" I know I shouldn't let him leave until he's sober but he can't be here when Amber comes back, she'll think we did something.

He opens his eyes then he runs his finger along my arm "I love chocolate" then he chuckles.

I honestly don't know what to do, maybe I should call Kyle back or maybe Wilson. I get up from the bed, grab a pair of shorts and a shirt then leave the room. I didn't want to get dressed in front of him, that'd be awkward. He'll probably think I'm coming onto him and that's the last thing I want him to think. I twist my hair into a bun then go back into the room, he's slumped on my bed, snoring. I go back over to him, sit on the edge of the bed and grab my phone. I dial Wilsons number.

"Yo" he says

"Wilson, Diego is here, he's drunk" I quickly say.

He lets out a big sigh then try's to cover it up with a cough "Yeah, Yeah I'll be over in a bit."

"Thanks" I say then hang up. I look at Diego, his curly dark hair is matted to his forehead by beads of sweat. I touch his forearm lightly, he's so muscular. I wonder why he showed up here, Wilson and I do live on the same campus and I'm sure he knows where Wilsons apartment is. I also want to know what liquor store opens seven in the morning. I sigh.

I lean down, grab Ambers blanket from the floor and put it over Diego. He's so cute when he sleeps, he looks so peaceful. I caress his cheek lightly, he's breathing is slow and leveled. Since I don't have class today I'm going back to sleep. I slide next to Diego and fall asleep.

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