Chapter 35

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"Ma, I'm bringing a guest over." I say heading to the front door

"Where are you going Hijo?" She stands up from her chair. My mamá is very short and when she stands up to me her head comes to the middle of my stomach. It's funny really because Amaya isn't short at all and I can tell Maria isn't gonna be short either.

"To Danny's." I'm not gonna lie to my mother because she can see right through me unlike Noemi, she tries to but she fails. I hide my emotions, feelings, everything from her but I don't want to, I have to.

Her face lights up and I hate that she thinks I'm going over there to make up with him because that's not what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna tell him to stay the fuck away from Noemi, my mother and sisters. I don't tell her that though because she'll tell me I can't go. I look to Amaya, she smiles and her words play over in my head "Forgive and forget, Diego" I turn away from her and head out the front door.

I'll be damned if I forgive him, fuck him.


I pull into a parking space and I look around. This motel is nice, of course he would stay here.

I get out of the car and walk to the room number 6. I knock on the door hard and it opens up, he's standing in front of me, he smiles and I walk past him, into the small room. Everything is surprisingly neat, the bed is made, the floors are cleaned, his two pairs of shoes are laying by his bed side and his clothes are neatly in a pile over on a chair. I look over at the small dresser and he has pictures laying there, I go over to it and glance at them. It's a picture of my mom and him when he was about ten, they're both smiling. Then there's a picture of him and I, Christmas Day opening our presents, our dad in the middle of us smiling from ear to ear. I want to rip this picture up in a thousand pieces but I don't. My eye catches another picture, it's him with a cross necklace around this neck, a little girl and boy are standing on either side of him, a blonde white woman has her arms wrapped around his waist and I cringe. They look like they're in a church house of some sort.

I pick up the picture, eyeing it "So you found God, huh? Great." He was never a holy person but now that he got a girl he becomes this god loving person, bullshit.

I put the picture down and face him, he's smiling a little "That's my wife, Grace and my daughter Daisy and my son Garret, that's your niece and nephew."

"I really don't give a fuck, I just came here to say stay away from Noemi and my family." I walk away from him.

"That's my family too, Diego." he sounds so pathetic.

"Who are you?" I turn and stare at him.

"I'm your brother, those are my sisters and my mother. You can't keep me away from them." he says

I get closer to his face and my jaw tightens "Watch me." I blink and my fist tighten

"This ain't right man."

"Fuck you" I slowly say, making sure every syllable comes out and I can tell my words hurt him and I don't care. I step away from him, then I knock the three pictures off his dresser, fuck him and fuck those pictures. I hear him whimper and I silently laugh to myself, he's such a bitch, he's always been a bitch, I'm convinced he's a woman because he never had balls to begin with.

As I walk out of this stupid ass motel I hear him say I'm sorry but I ignore him. That sorry doesn't mean shit to me, I don't care if he got on this knees and begs for my forgiveness, it still wouldn't mean shit. He thinks he can just say sorry and come back into our lives after what he did? He must be crazy, what he did is unforgivable, unforgettable. I can still remember how I looked when I found out what he did, I was so shocked, so hurt and I vowed to myself I'd never forgive him.

I always find myself wondering why he would just do that, like what went through his head when he was doing it. I'd never ask because he'd give me an explanation and I don't need one of those, I don't want one. As I get into my truck I hope he's feeling the pain that I felt that day, I hope his heart, mind and body hurts as much as mine did and I hope he suffers as much as I did too.

I leave the area not even thinking about what just happened. All I'm thinking about is getting to Noemi, I hope she's gonna be as happy to see me, as I am her.

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