Veer Sodari

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Target for this chapter- 25 votes


READ THE PROLOGUE, I COMPLETELY CHANGED IT, and leave your honest opinions on it.


I really hope you like the chapter and spam the comments!

And this time I mean it, each chapter crosses 100+ reads but barely reaches 20 votes. I mean it. I won't update it you don't reach the target, I won't update. I am a teenager too and have academic pressure and other stuff. It takes a lot of time to write chapters but you all won't even vote and comment. I am fed up of it. Earlier when I would not update much everyone would vote and comment but now that I do, no one votes or comments. Even if  each of you leave a single of 2 comments we can reach the target.  I am so done with this. Reach the target and only and only I will update then-

Target for this chapter- 25 votes



Subhadra pov

From childhood my mother fed me with stories of the many hardships our family had to undergo before we finally attained relative bliss and peace. Even when we moved from Mathura to Dwaraka, these were the stories we girls listened to, to remind ourselves of the tears and blood and sweat that had gone into building the palace of fortitude and love in which I had been born, whose walls sheltered and nurtured me from birth and allowed me to bloom into youth in blissful happiness. Being privy to the subtle one-upmanship between the wives of my brothers and uncles tempered any fanciful notions of love I might have had.

I was playing with my friends and cousins on the seashore when I noticed my two brothers coming towards us or more specifically me. I was ecstatic as it was very hard to spend time with them as they were busy helping our father with the administration and political work . With the Magadh king Jarasandh waiting to take his revenge on my brothers I could hardly see them, so my mind was joyful at the idea of having some time together with them.

As they came nearby, I could see both my brothers wearing a solemn expression. I realised something bad must have happened as my brothers always had a big smile when they come to meet me. I was tensed and worried about the reason behind their sad faces. I prayed to God that nothing bad should have happened to any of my family.

Brother Krishna sensing my worry asked me not to be tensed. I asked them the reason behind their expression and that's when they told me about our Aunt Kunti. I was very shocked I mean I knew that I had aunt named Pritha who was my father's younger sister.I didn't know much about her except for the fact that she was adopted by my grandfather's close friend. It seems that my aunt was Kunti who was the kulavadhu of kuru dynasty, the wife of King Pandu and mother to pandavas along with Madri. I was shocked. And she had lost her husband and co-wife Madri and was left alone with her 5 sons in a forest. Now she had to live away from her own sons. She had to abandon her own son in the river because of her fear for her reputation. I knew she had struggled a lot.

Though I had never seen my Aunt my heart went out for her and her sons.They have endured so much. I didn't notice that I was crying until I felt my brother's hand wiping away my tears. He just hugged me for a while and helped me come back to normal.

We then went to visit our father as we knew he will be the most heartbroken. I just hugged him while my brothers went towards our mothers. After a while we silently went to our own rooms.

I got ready for bed and laid down, but I couldn't sleep as my thoughts incessantly revolved around my aunt and her sons. I wanted to meet them because I became excited just by thinking of them, yet I didn't know the reason. I could only meet her sons and their shared bride right now.

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