Reunions and Wrapping up

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When he finally opened the door, there she was. Marinette was laid on the bed with her wrists tied to the frame, and her ankles bound. He saw the shock on her face when he opened the door, but ran over to her, trying to undo the restraints as tears of joy stained her face.

"Marinette!!! I thought I lost you, I don't know what I would've done without you, don't worry, Damien will be going away for a very long time" Adrien was just rambling at this point letting out all the bits of suppressed worry he'd been holding in. "Adrien, how did you find me? I'm so glad to see you, I was so scared no one would find me" Marinette was able to say while tears spilled from her eyes as her body finally let down the defenses it had put up around Damien, finally able to relax.

When really realizing the position she was in she blushed, feeling exposed. She believed that Damien wasn't going to hurt her anymore, but thinking about him made her feel small, scared, and all she wanted was for Chat to be here, holding her.

Adrien told her he'd tell the full story once they got out of here. When he was undoing the restaurants he saw the bruise marks Damien had left, around her waist, her neck, and her face. As he undid the final restraint his jaw clenched, trying his best to suppress the ever more growing anger towards Damien which was well deserved.

When the restraints were off Marinette wasted no time springing up and giving Adrien a huge hug crying into his shoulder, "I can't thank you enough". Adrien immediately hugged her back, never wanting to let go. They stayed like that until Marinette heard someone yell. "Don't forget about us"

Adrien then remembered Luka and Nathaniel were still in the room and pulled Marinette with him to get them. When she walked through the broken glass mirror into the big room, she noticed on the ground a broken chair and some rope. Then to the right she saw Luka and Nathaniel tied up as well. "Luka! Nathaniel! Oh my gosh are you guys ok?!" "We are now that we know you are" Luka said which Nathaniel agreed with.

Luka had seen the way Adrien had acted to make sure Marinette would be safe. How he put his safety at risk without thinking of the consequences, and realized that Agreste really does love her. Even though it hurts he came to the conclusion that he'd support the two, as long as Marinette is happy.

Marinette went to untie Luka while Adrien united Nathaniel. Right as Luka was free he picked Marinette up in a hug and spun her around in a circle causing her to laugh a bit.

Adrien finished untying Nathaniel and he was about to talk to Marinette, when he saw Luka spinning her around. Even though he knows Chat's the one she likes, he still feels a little Jealous, knowing Luka still hasn't gotten over her.

When Marinette was put back on the ground, they heard Adrien clear his throat and say, "Marinette, there's something really important that I have to talk to you about". "Sure adrien, what is it?" She asks, she noted the way he was getting really red and started scratching the back of his neck, he looked nervous. Adrien Agreste was never nervous. This must be serious she thought. "Actually could we talk alone?" Marinette nodded and he took her hand leading her into the hallway near the unconscious Damien.

"Listen, what you're about to see will probably be shocking, but I need you to hear me out ok, just promise me you won't get mad" Adrien exclaimed. "Um, sure?" Marientte responded, starting to get a bit scared herself, because she had no idea what was about to happen.

She hears him whisper a small "ok, you got this" as he opened Damiens coat pocket. He grabbed something but she couldn't see what it was, and before she could ask what it was she heard three words. Three words that left her speechless.

"Plagg Claws Out" Adrien said after putting on his ring. He wanted to let her know as soon as possible, to make sure she knows before anything else bad happens. He then turns around to face Marinette. She wasn't moving. She was starring at him with her jaw touching the floor. "Ok look, I know what you're thinking, 'why didn't you tell me sooner' heh, well I got to know you as Chat then..." He started to ramble again.

Marinette wasn't listening to a word he was saying. All that was going through her mind was the words, 'Adrien is chat, Chat is Adrien, I kissed Adrien, No I kissed Chat'. When she finally came back to reality she realized he was getting more nervous by the second since she hadn't said anything for a min. Then her heart felt warm as the feeling set in that Chat is Adrien. How could she of been so lucky. Even though she had so many questions, she knew he'd answer them when he'd stop rambling. And she started to smirk, knowing a good way to shut him up.

Adrien as Chat was still rambling, now re thinking his idea to reveal his identity. All the sudden he saw Marinette start to move closer to him from across the hall. "Mari, please, you've got to tell me how you're feeling" and before he could ask anything else of her, she ran and jumped into his arms, giving him the biggest hug known to man. When she pulled away much to Chats dislike, she then gave him a huge kiss to which he returned almost immediately.

The kiss was more passionate, more hungry than the first. Chat felt like his heart exploded, he had never been as happy as he was in that moment. Marinette knew who he was. Who he really was, both sides, and she still wanted to be with him. Chat grabbed the sides of her head, deepening the kiss.

Meanwhile Luka and Nathaniel saw the exchange take place in the hall, and decided to give them some alone time. On the way upstairs Luka got his and Nathaniel's phones back from Damiens pocket, going upstairs to call 911 to alert them of their situation and location.

Marinette and Adrien didn't want the kiss to end, but they ran out of air and slowly pulled back. Still with their eyes closed they rested their foreheads against one anothers. Smiles spread a mile wide. They then pulled their foreheads apart still holding onto each other and looked at one another, laughing a bit.

They then heard a grunting noise coming from behind them. Damien had gained back conscious and was trying to get up. Marinette saw Chat's or should she say Adrien's jaw clench along with his fist. Marinette then put her hand on his shoulder and the other on his fist saying, "Don't worry I've got this". She then walked up to a groggy looking Damien and sent his head flying sideways giving a right hook to the nose.

Once he was knocked cold again, she then reached in his pockets and put back in her earrings and said, "Well if we're sharing identities then I guess here goes nothing, Tiki spots on!" she yelled.

Adrien watched in wonder as a pink and red light overtook Marinette, and when it went away there she was, Ladybug. His lady, his princess. "I knew it!!!" chat yelled. "What, you knew?!" Marinette said. "We'll, I didn't know for sure, but I had a hunch. I guess we really are Purrrfect for each other M'lady" chat said as he started to walk back over to ladybug smirking as she walked over to him saying "There's no denying our amewsing chemistry together" then she grabbed his bell pulling him down into a kiss. Ladybug wrapped her hands up in his hair, as he grabbed her waist pulling her in closer.

While in the kiss their transformation wore off since Tikki and Plagg needed to be fed, leaving Adrien and Marinette in their place. "Finally, they're together. That took way longer than it needed to be. Now where's my precious camembert" Plagg whined. "Ugh plagg, they're having a moment, don't ruin it" Tikki said smacking plagg on the head.

Although Marinette and Adrien didn't even realize they were talking, for they were the only two people in the world...

And they lived happily ever after... Let me know if you guys would want a sequel 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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