Chapter 5: The New Kid

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"Okay class, this is our new exchange student from London. Please welcome Damien" Ms Bustier said to the class, motioning over to the new student. She then turned her attention over to the three friends. "Alya, would you be able to move to the open seat in the desk behind you for the next couple of weeks? Since Marinette is class president, the principal thought it best for her to show him around" she explained.

"Yes Ma'am" Alya said back. It's not exactly like she could say no to the teacher.

Adrien watched as the two made their way to the seats behind himself and Nino. Marientte sent them a quick wave, but Damien kept his eyes forward on Marinette. Not even sparing a passing glance.

When they sat down, Adrien felt a chill down his spine. Something was VERY off about this guy. He didn't know how to explain it, and he wasn't sure what it was, but all he knew was that he didn't want him around Marinette.

Alya crossed his arms in protest of this seat change. She could handle her best friend crushing on a superhero, but that was the extent of her understandingness. Seeing the way Damien was looking at the designer, she could just tell he was going to be a problem.

She gave him a dirty look that he couldn't see, but she wished he did. Alya was not going to let this teenage dirtbag wannabe get in the way of Adrienette. Adrien was finally just starting to realize his feelings. Although as she heard him and Marinette start talking, she had to admit she loved his British Accent.

Nino looked at Alya, then at the new kid, and then to Adrien. This was going to be a problem. Alya looked like she was trying to use telepathy to make his head explode, and Adrien looked like he was making a mental blueprint to construct a trap door for him to fall down away from Marinette. And hearing them start talking wasn't helping anything.

"Dude, calm down, I'm sure they're just talking as friends" Nino whispered over to Adrien, trying to knock some sense into him.

Realizing he needed to tone it down, Adrien softened his demeanor. But his ears remained focused on behind his head. Trying to listen to every single last word that was being shared by the Brit and the Bluenette. Trying to ignore the feeling of Damien's eyes burning a hole into the back of his head.


For Marinette, earlier in the day as she scurried away from the conversation with Alya, she was pulled aside by Ms Bustier. "Mr. Damoclese would like to see you in his office..." she said. Seeing Marinette's concerned reaction, she added, "'re not in trouble, don't worry" easing her student's conscience.

Walking down the hall with his office at the end of it felt tiring. The hall seemed as though it was stretching, or was she shrinking?

When she made her way into his office, she was instantly greeted by someone she didn't recognize.

She had to look up to look at him, but she didn't mind. He was a classic sort of handsome, his smile reminding her a lot of chat's, but his hair and eye color was completely different.

"It's lovely to meet you," the handsome stranger said to her. Add an accent to the list to separate him from the superhero.

Clearing his throat to get the attention of the two teens, Mr Damocles explained what was happening. "Marinette, this is our new student who will be joining your class. I expect you to give him a proper tour of the halls, his locker, and then you both and return to home base" he said.

Hearing the new student, Marinette diverted her attention back to him. "My name's Damien, what's yours?" he asked her.

"I'm Marinette. It's really nice to meet you" she smiled back.

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