🍄Lets make the most of this🍄 pt. 1

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(GUYS IM SO SORRY LOOK I WAS WRITING THE NEXT PART TO 'why?' BUT IT DELETED HALF OF THE CHAPTER BECAUSE IM AN IDIOT AND FORGOT TO SAVE IT 😭 IT WAS SO LONGGGG😭😭😭 So me being me I had a mini-breakdown because of Anger issues so I left it at that and wrote a happier chapter instead.

I'm still working on the next chapter to 'Why?' though So cool beans?


This is another chapter that focuses on the twins... duh they're amazing ✋)

CW/TW- Mentions of Vomit, Alcohol, and drugs. (Alcohol and drugs as jokes)

Short description: Techno and Wilbur are trusted to stay in a different hotel room while on a trip. They are rebelling teenagers so they decide to sneak out.


"This room smells disgusting now." Techno pointed out taking off his shirt. It was meant to be a little joke but when he saw the shamefaced expression on his brother he felt bad. "I'm really sorry Technoblade." Wilbur apologized for the seventh time.

"I already told you it's fine. I just don't like smelling like vomit." Techno said tossing his shirt in a bag and throwing it away.

"It's cause it's my fault I could have aimed for the trash," Wilbur said fluffing up his hair with a towel. "Wil you were so out of it you could barely walk. It's fine you don't choose to get carsick." Techno laughed a little getting ready for his turn in the shower.

"Hmm still feel bad for throwing up on you." Wilbur said taking out his blanket and flopping down on the bed. "You're annoying. Focus on something else." Techno threw a pillow at him playfully. "I'm gonna shower unless you want me to smell like a dumpster while laying in bed." Techno smirked. Wilbur immediately shook his head. "Nope shower now!"

"What was that Wilbur? You want a hug?" Techno asked making a fake surprised face. A wicked plan formed in his brain. "Oh hell no. Techno stop!" Wilbur backed away as Techno approached. Techno engulfed him in a bear hug. "Ew! You stinky ass pig get the fuck off of me!" Wilbur laughed pushing him off.

Techno fought back, "Oh come on Wilbur just one hug! It's not that bad!" - "Yes it is!" Wilbur shouted as they both gave up and fell on the bed. "I hate you." Wilbur lied sighing. "That is so sweet I love you too Wilbur." Techno answered with a soft snort.

"Oh my god just go shower!" Wilbur pushed him off of the bed. Techno finally gave in. "Alright." He said walking towards the shower and when Wilbur had his guard down he jumped and pulled him into yet another hug. "TECHNO!"


Techno finally got out of the Shower combing through his waist-length hair. "Techno~," Wilbur said in sing-song. Techno immediately suspected something. "Hmm?" He hummed looking at himself in the mirror for him to braid his hair correctly. Wilbur snuck up behind him and put his hands on Technoblade's shoulders.

"I have a cool idea~," Wilbur told him in that same Sing-Song voice. "I don't like the way you say that~" He mocked his twin while he finished his braid and went to the chair in the corner of the room.

"Let's go explore the city! It'll be fun! Besides I already bought tickets to a movie theater. So please." Wilbur extended the E in please while making puppy eyes.

Techno hit him in the back of the head. (not hard) "Hey!" - "Are you dumb? Actually- Yes you are but I didn't know the extent of your stupidity!" Technoblade raised his voice at him. "You asshole!" He responded.

"Icarus do you really want to go explore a city we've never been in? There are robbers! Junkies!" The pink-haired brother pointed out. Wilbur thought about it until he realized-

"Yeah, there is and so what? Tech there will always be that risk. You got to live on the edge. You'll never enjoy yourself without a little danger. Besides, I know your not mad at me because you didn't use my real name-" Technoblade couldn't deny that. He did only call Tommy and Wilbur nickname's when he didn't mean things or just for fun.

"-and I know you'll give in and listen to me because you love me." Wilbur continued a smile plastered on his lips. Techno raised an eyebrow. "Really? Is that what you think?"

Wilburs face dropped, "Why do you hurt me?" Technoblade let out a snort, "It's fun." He hugged his brother just to make sure Wilbur knew he was joking.

"Alright' put your shoes on." Technoblade told him as he changed out of his pajamas.


"Wait- You got the key?" Wilbur questioned before closing the door. "Mhm." Hummed his brother. "Skateboards?" - "Yep."

"I got my inhaler right?"

"I think so? Even if you didn't you know I always have one. 189 pumps."

Wilbur nodded gratefully, "Ok, What about money? I got my bag."

"I also have mine. Wil we have everything let's go!" Wilbur put his hands up in defense. "Ok, so the movie starts in 30 minutes. We're going on skateboards so we'll get there in time maybe a little earlier." Technoblade thought out loud. "Alright nerd." Wilbur smirked racing him down the stairs.

Once on the sidewalk, Wilbur tossed his board down and started on the route. Techno following behind on his board doing a few tricks. "We are so dead if Mumza finds out." Technoblade informed feeling the wind hit his hair. "That's why this is a secret," Wilbur responded taking out his phone. "Come on let's make some memories!" He smiled brightly taking a video.

"Hi future me, I'm with my nerd brother who doesn't know how to ride a skateboard." Wilbur said to the camera facing it so it showed him and Techno.

(Wilbur's been doing this since his seventh birthday when he got a camera and started filming videos for his future self. He had videos like him trying to teach Tommy to tie his shoes when Tommy was five. Him and his mom cooking when he was 9. Him and Technoblade arguing about them stealing each other's clothes when they were 12. His dad and him going out to eat sushi while talking about their jobs when he turned 15. He loved watching them. He loved being able to rewatch him and his family grow together. Have his own little memory box.)

"I was the one who taught you how to ride a skateboard!" Techno argued. Wilbur hummed, "No don't seem to recall." Techno flipped him and the camera off. "Ok future self well my brother is being a bitch so we will check in later." Wilbur said ending the video.

"You're acting a lot like Tommy." He said with a soft smirk. "No, I'm not! Don't compare me to the gremlin." Techno only shrugged in response. "Just stating the truth."

They both race down the street only stopping to look at the map. Making sure they were heading in the right direction.

"Techno we have exactly 10 minutes to spare for us to get snacks. 15 minutes if you wanna miss the previews." Wilbur informed while taking Techno's skateboard. "Alright. What movie are we seeing?"

"Cruella" Wilbur smirked.

(THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY SORRY! But hopefully, It's alright because another chapter will be out tomorrow or after tomorrow but soon! love you guys and your comments even if it's just a small suggestion!)

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