Meeting with my death

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"Life is just a lie", Eren sighs as he thinks of his life. Eren works as shopkeeper in a book store in the morning and as waiter in a cafe at the night. It's hardly covers his bills. His mom died when he was in kindergarden, and his dad married some other woman who hates eren.. So he left home as soon as he passed high school.
He lives in a small apartment in a town called Maria.
Currently in news, there is a serial killer roaming freely in Maria. People are getting killed every single night . Police can't find the bastard till now. Total 24 people was killed by this month. People are scared to get outside at night. So, the town head sets a carfew at 8pm. Anyhow you have to go home and lock every window, door by that time.

Eren's pov:

Fuck fuck fuck fuck, it's getting late. Screw the owner , it was just a coffee. I slipped and the tray full of coffee mag fell on to ground and broke and the owner made me clean the whole damn cafe floor. Whyyyyy.. It was not even my fault. I could see evil smile on his dmn lips . He knew very well it's close to carfew time. I begged him to let me go but he didn't listen until I cleaned the whole cafe floor.

"Remember what'll happen when you make mistakes next time.. Now get out, you filthy boy", he told me.

I didnot have anytime to think over what he said. I was running like crazy. It was 7:55 pm. Darkness covered the whole area. Roads were already empty. It was hard to see the road. I was scared. It was like I'm running to my death .
"Why God, why bad luck is always with me. I don't want to die right now",I was thinking while running.

After running like 10 min, I reached near an alley. "Just 5 min more", I smiled to myself. "May be I can make it. I can see tomorrow's light." I was running through the alley. Suddenly I felt someone behind me coming towards me. I was shaking, my legs stopped moving.

"Who.. Who is there? ", I shouted.
... No reply..
I couldn't think of anything..
"Is this my last night.. No no no.. I have to run"... I gathered all my courage and start running. Just when I started running I felt someone grab my coller and I fell. I could feel the cold hand on my neck.. " So this is it".. I smiled. "Finally there'll be no sorrow in my life anymore, I'll be free from this shitty society. Finally I'll get a break from my rat life". I closed my eyes.
" Are you forget about the carfew? " The person above me asked.. His deep voice is enough to scare anyone to shit. I can't see his face.. "Any last wish", he told. I can feel the knife against my skin.. I can't move.. All my body already collapsed. I close my eyes. " So the end is here. Even moon doesn't show up today " , I started laughing.
"You filthy brat, laughing before die. Are you not gonna beg me for your life"
He said.
I did't give any reply.. My lips are not moving .
"So you'll not gonna say anything.. Good so be ready", this is the last line I heard before I feel something hard against my head... And I fall . I am feeling blood draining from my body... Everything is becoming blurry . "I'm coming mom" That's what I think before everything become dark .




Author's note:

Hiiii my dear readers, the first chapter is here .

Hope you'll like and continue this journey with me. Please vote and comment. It's so important to me. And the above picture, I downloaded it from google.

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