My Death bring me to his home

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I waked up , seeing myself in a small room, don't know when my eyes got shut in the car. I started checking the room . The wall is plain white and there's only two doors, no window. one to the washroom and another I'm unable to open. there's only a bed,a chair beside it,a fan in the ceiling and a light . the room is plain but neat and clean. 'thousands times better than my room, atleast i have a bed here' , i was talking to myself .
suddenly the door opened and the raven haired man came in.

'shout as much as you want, nobody can hear you out of this room' he smirked

'what do you want'- I asked angrily

'it's your fault. you didn't die last night.'

' why don't you kill me now'

suddenly he pinned me onto the bed and put a knife on my neck' I wish i could kill you right now, but then the police won't leave me alone. you better behave, or I'll make your life hell. '
he said.

'it's already a hell though. Even if you kill me, It'll make no difference.' i sighed

'what a hopeless brat' - he said silently as he put the knife in his pocket ' go get some shower, I'll bring you some food.'

i took a long shower. with everything going on its needed.
'Finally there's no hurry. i didn't have to go to work.' i was feeling a little bit relaxed. When I came out of the shower , i saw a pair of new tshirt and pant is there on the bed and beside it a plate with some food.

i wore them and eat the food silently. i used to eat left over food in the restaurant before. atleast having my own meal makes me little happy.

I was lying in the bed trying to sleep , suddenly that man came in.
'you should switch off the light before sleep , your dad isn't going to pay the electricity bill ' - he said.

'okay' - i wasn't in a mood to talk to him.

'and also try to wear something before coming out of bathroom '

'what the f' i sat on the bed suddenly.

'there's a CCTV on the corner of the ceiling - if you didn't notice. '

the realisation hit me hard. i was totally nacked out there and he saw me in that situation.
'I ummm ..' my brain was not working , not sure what to say.
'it's okay brat,sleep now' ,he switched off the light and went out closing the door. I was still sitting on the bed.
'How come I didn't notice it before' - I laid down, 'The room was totally pitched black due to no source of light . it's feel damn lonely to sleep here , still got a bed though' .


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