Flowers or Teddy?

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Hawthorne POV
Hawthorne Swift was in a bad mood all day and it started to irritate the rest of the unit, especially Francis. The reason for Hawthornes foul mood was the fact that Francis's girlfriend has been following him around all day and kept going on and on about how amazing her boyfriend was and about how she'd let no one take him away from her. Hawthorn would love nothing more, (except Francis...maybe) then to punch the brat right in the face. But he couldn't. Souly for the fact that Francis would be upset and hate him and Hawthorne hates when Francis is upset.

So he went through the day, only yelling at Stella a couples times, and by the end of the day he was both mentally and physically exhausted.

"HAWTHORNE! THERE YOU ARE! I'VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU!" Hawthorne turned and saw Francis running towards him. Even tho Hawthorne would love to stay and talk to his forever crush, he just really needed to be alone before he did something he might regret.

"Oh hey Francis, sorry but I've gotta run, got somewhere to be." But Wait, this is the perfect time to ask him the question he's been wanting to ask for a while now.

"Hey Francis...What do you like better? Flowers or Teddy?"

"Oh I like..."

He didn't get to finish his answer before there was a huge explosion that spread heat so hot that it shinged off both Francis' and Hawthorne's eyebrows.

Then, before any thing was said, the sound of a girl screaming could be heard over the noise. And everyone knew who that scream belonged to.

"STELLA!" Francis cried and began to run towards the burning building.

"FRANICS STOP! ITS DANGEROUS! YOU COULD GET HURT!" Hawthorne ran after his friend and tried so hard to convince him to stop but to no avail. Francis had his mind set on one thing...

And that was saving his girlfriend.

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