Part 10

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Over the next few weeks, Donatello worked in his lab as much as possible. All of his pre-baby projects were keeping him busy. When he did take breaks to hang out with the others, they all became standoffish and said they had other things to do. They suggested that he do his exercises, or relax and watch TV, then they left him all alone.

Donatello began to feel sad and left out. He had no idea what his family was planning for him. They were just trying to keep him from finding out about the baby shower. They were going topside to get him the gifts for the party and leaving them with April. She kept the stash hidden in her bedroom closet.

The twins were keeping Don awake at night. He had constant cravings and a little heartburn after eating. His back hurt even more now, and his ankles had swelled up. He was now at his 22nd week, and his aches and pains, combined with feeling left out were making him cranky. He tried to rest and not stress himself too much.

Don was still allowed to go topside, but he never did so alone. He was still worried about Floyd watching him, and he couldn't afford any more trouble. His stomach showed clearly that he was pregnant now. He would be an easy target with his bigger stomach, and soon he wouldn't even be able to make a quick escape through a manhole anymore.

Mike had been asking Don if he felt the babies move.

"I feel them a lot more now. It's more prominent than when I first started to feel them." Don laughed. "They just keep on having parties inside me when it's time to get some sleep."

Then, Don's mood changed. He wondered why Mike was asking about this when he had practically run out the door earlier that day after Don had tried to join him for breakfast.

"Can I feel them?" Mike asked. "You said I could."

"That was before you started leaving me out of everything!" Don snapped at him angrily. It was another one of his mood swings.

"Sorry, dude. I wasn't trying to upset you." Mike held his hands up. He knew he was currently sworn to secrecy, but it didn't mean he couldn't hang out with Donatello.

"Look, Donatello, I'll make you your favorite food to make it up to you. How's that sound?" Mike suggested.

"It still doesn't atone for all the lying to me and hiding from me!" Don said. He had angry tears in his eyes.

"We're not trying to leave you out of anything. Let's just say we're doing something for you," Mike hinted.

Don's expression softened. "What?"

"It's a surprise." Mike had almost let it slip. He really didn't like seeing Don so upset, and he wasn't the best at keeping secrets.

"It's not my birthday," Don said.

"Nope. Just wait and see. It'll be soon, I promise," Mike said.

Well, at least Don knew that his brothers had some sort of reason for treating him this way. But what surprise could they be planning for him?

As Donatello progressed further into his pregnancy, he grew increasingly concerned about the health of his babies after they were born. The sewers would not be the best place for them to live, but what other options did they have?

Don called his family together for a meeting.

"Everyone, as we all know we have lived in these sewers all our lives, but with the twins on the way, it won't be the healthiest place for them. I want to get this place as clean as possible to make it right for them. I'm also making some barrier doors to the lair as one of my last projects before we leave for April's farmhouse," Don explained.

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