Part 1

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The ninja turtles of New York had been very good at fighting the bad guys over the years. They had put many criminals away for a long time, and others for a short amount, quickly returning to their old ways.

Others were fascinated by the turtles and wanted to study them further. One such human was a man named Floyd Row. He was a scientist, biologist, and geneticist. He loved animals and helping endangered animal populations recover.

Floyd had black hair, was about 5'8", and had brown eyes.

He had seen the turtles do their heroic deeds on the streets and he wanted to do something to help them out with them, but there was the dilemma that there had been no female turtles mutated. But with his expert knowledge, he could counteract that dilemma.

Floyd set out to learn about the turtles as much as he could. He learned of their biggest enemies, like the Shredder. With the chaos the Shredder and his henchmen caused, Floyd stayed away from them.

He also often saw how a red-haired woman who reported on the Channel Six News defended the turtles. It was clear she was their closest friend.

With that information in mind, Floyd went to the News building and asked for April. Luckily for him, she was in at the moment.

Floyd was allowed up after he was cleared to talk to her. He went up to her office.

"Okay, Mister. What can I do for you, really?" April asked.

"I'm interested in knowing about your turtle friends, Miss O'Neil. Can you tell me about them?" Floyd said.

"Are you a fan?"

"A matter of speaking, yes, and would like to meet them sometime. I just would like to be more prepared. Can you tell me about them?"

April would gladly tell people who were willing to listen to her that her friends were not the enemy of the city, but the saviors. She went on to list all the things she knew of her best friends.

She first went to say that the turtles were all honorable beings and more human than most of the people in the city. She introduced them by name and gave their descriptions.

Leonardo was the leader; he wore blue, used the katana blades, and was very brave and fearless.

Donatello wore purple; he was the smart one, he used the bo staff, and he could think of many types of inventions. He could also outsmart his worst enemies and reprogram almost anything.

Raphael wore red; he was the wise guy, he used the sais, and he could be a comedian or very rude.

Michelangelo wore orange; he was the pizza maker and party dude. He used the nunchakus.

April went on to say a few other things too about them, even about their sensei and what she knew of their origins. She even explained about their enemies. There were many of them.

Floyd found all the information useful. Now he just needed time to prepare his project and people.

Some time passed, and the turtles dealt with Shredder and Krang. They were now stuck in Dimension X finally for good. It had been a year since Floyd had talked to April about the turtles and he went on observing them as much as possible. It was now the month of August.

The turtles were fascinating indeed, being like no normal turtle he had worked with before. He knew they had been normal once, though. Floyd had also chosen his specific turtle to do the project on, with a little added science he would need from the others too. He also wanted to determine what species they had been before their mutation.

Floyd had hired some martial arts experts that would be able to take on the turtles and be able to capture them. He needed DNA from all of them in order for this work to start.

He knew that one of the turtles' favorite places was a pizzeria called Vinnie's, which would be a good place to get them at.

Floyd's men had all been informed on what they needed to do and use in order to get the turtles. There were now about 40 men watching the pizzeria. It took many days for the turtles to come in their trench coats and go into Vinnie's to eat some dinner.

The men knew they had to get the turtles' attention somehow. They were armed with what they needed without having to harm them too much.

Floyd was sure his men could handle it. He was waiting for the call.

After the turtles were done eating, the boys in green were heading for an alley to go back to the sewers when a few men stepped out of the dark shadows. They all had weapons at the ready.

"Good evening, Turtles, we have been expecting you," one said.

The turtles knew they were outnumbered but took off their coats and withdrew their weapons.

"What do you want?" Donatello demanded.

"We want you all."

"Fat chance!" Raphael retorted.

"Turtles fight with honor!" Leonardo yelled and they all charged.

The humans began fighting the turtles. They had been looking forward to this. They had been wanting to face the famous turtles they had heard so much about in an honorable fight.

Some were knocked down or knocked unconscious, but they even got some hits on the turtles too. And with full stomachs, it would eventually slow the reptiles, but they didn't try to show it.

The fight lasted for a good while and the turtles soon began to tire. There were just too many of these guys. But then, all of a sudden, the humans backed away from them. The turtles were baffled.

Suddenly, there was a grenade thrown at them and it began to spew gas.

The turtles began to cough. "Smoke bomb!" Donatello gasped and coughed.

When the gas cleared, all four turtles had gone down.

"Hurry up! We have to get them out of here!"

The turtles were all picked up and carried to a getaway truck. Once inside, their hands were tied behind their shells just in case they woke up. But the plan was to keep them knocked out until they got what was needed from them.

Floyd got the call that the turtles were on their way. He breathed a sigh of relief. They weren't hurt, although they had put up a good fight. Their weapons and Turtle coms had been left where they had been captured.

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