Part 28

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Four years later, the kids weren't so dependent on their parents. They still had their needs of course, but they could do some things for themselves.

Gaia and Sebastian were now five years old. Stellina, Leona, Eleanor, Marcello, and Benvolio were all four years old. All the kids got along fairly well.

Master Splinter had stepped down and given the sensei position to Leonardo. Splinter was happy to simply offer advice and to be a grandfather who spoiled his grandchildren.

The kids were all fascinated with the martial arts that their parents did, and longed to start training themselves.

They were old enough to understand that even though there were a few humans in their lives, it didn't mean that they could just go above ground and interact with anyone they wanted to. Not all humans were so understanding of what they were.

Donatello was getting ready to start teaching them what he knew about reading, math, and languages. He had even considered some simple science experiments, which Mona had offered to assist with.

Leonardo was enjoying his work as the new sensei. He had waited years for this. But it would still be many years before any of the kids would be ready to face the real world above. Leo also knew how to be a good disciplinarian when the kids needed it. He made sure that the kids understood the consequences of their actions.

Michelangelo was a fine uncle and would make great food for the kids, especially pizza. He also let them play with his toys and got them their own toys to play with. He read to them and tried to help them learn some reading too.

Raphael liked to get the kids to laugh at his jokes, but he tried not to use rude humor around them. He watched his language. His own sons loved his jokes just as much as Mona did. She was currently pregnant with their next offspring.

Donatello had done an ultrasound to see how many kids Mona was having, and there was just one this time. It looked to be part lizard and part turtle. Mona was about 7 months along and feeling the weight of the child. Mona was hungry, tired, moody, miserable, and was ready to have the baby. She hoped it was a girl. She already had a name picked out.

Donatello was still the primary doctor for the mutant family, and he was taking care of everyone's health.

April was still a freelance reporter and an aunt to her friends' kids. She was the most active human in the kids' lives. The girls were the most drawn to her, but the boys were too.

Howie and Irma still came back about twice a year to visit. Howie was getting good music contracts, and he was making a good living. Irma was a secretary for another news business in Chicago, but they treated her a lot better than Channel 6 had before.

Zack and Walt were young men now and off at college. Zack was studying reptiles. He loved them and wanted to become a herpatologist. Walt wanted to play baseball.

The Neutrinos still called from time to time as well.

April's Aunt Aggie checked in with her and the turtles on occasion. She was proud of them for being such good parents to so many children.

The lair had been expanded into new sewer tunnels to make room for all the kids. The girls were all in one room, and the boys were all in another. These rooms were a good size, so they all had their own spaces.

Raph and Mona had decided to move back closer to the lair so that there were more babysitters, and the kids could have their almost daily interactions.

Floyd hadn't been heard from in many years, but now, he was back and ready to give it a try again on Donatello. He wanted to give Michelangelo some offspring as well.

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